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Could you tell me the js source code is encrypted confusion?


Know javascript is not very well, and that this site js source is more look not to understand,

Web site address: https://exam.jxeduyun.com/
Js source address: https://exam.jxeduyun.com/static/js/app.7b529c2703a42c0be8f7.js

Would you please give a prompt, thank you!

Excerpt from a
! The function (e) {
The function of t (t) {
For (var n, I, o=t [0], [1], a=t s=0, c=[]; S & lt; O.l ength; S++) I=o [s], [I] r & amp; & C.p ush [I] [0]) (r, r [I]=0;
For (n a) in the Object. The prototype. HasOwnProperty. Call (a, n) & amp; & [n] (e=a [n]);
For (l & amp; & L (t); C.l ength;) C.s. hift () ()

The function n (t) {
If (I) [t] return I [t] exports;
Var I [t] o=={
I: t,
L:! 1,
Exports: {}
Return e [t] call (o.e xports, o, o.e xports, n), o.l=! 0, o.e xports
Var I={},
N.e=function (e) {
Var t=[];
O [e]? [e] t.p ush (o) : 0!==o [e] & amp; & {
} [e] & amp; & T.p ush (o [e]=new Promise (function (t, I) {
For (var o=e + ". B7ab2bcbb282ec8ccca4. CSS ", r=Nancy (polocy) pelosi + o, a=document. The getElementsByTagName (" link "), s=0; S & lt; A. ength; S++) {
Var c=(u=[s] a). The getAttribute (" data - href ") | | u.g etAttribute (" href ");
If (" stylesheet "===u.r el & amp; & (c===o | | c===r)) return the t ()
Var l=document. GetElementsByTagName (" style ");
For (s=0; S & lt; L.l ength; S++) {
Var u;
If ((c=(u=l [s]). The getAttribute (" data - href "))===o | | c===r) return the t ()
Var d=document. The createElement method (" link ");
D.r el="stylesheet", which ype="text/CSS", d.o nload=t, d.o nerror=function (t) {
Var n=t & amp; & T.t arget & amp; & T.t arget. SRC | | r,
O=new Error (" chunk "Loading CSS + e +" failed. \ n (" + n + ") ");
O.r equest=n, I (o)
}, d.h. ref=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/r, document. GetElementsByTagName (" head ") [0]. The appendChild (d)
{}). Then (function ()
O [e]=0
Var I=r [e];
If (0!==I)
If (I) t.p ush (I [2]).
The else {
Var a=new Promise (function (t, n) {
I=r [e]=[t, n]
T.p ush (I [2]=a);
Var s, c=document. GetElementsByTagName (" head ") [0],
L=the document. The createElement method (" script ");
L.c harset="utf-8", l.t imeout=120, n.n c & amp; & L.s etAttribute (" nonce, "n.n c), l.s rc=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/function (e) {
Return Nancy (polocy) pelosi + "static/js/" + e +" "+ {
0: "525 f0caa9d2271f70587"
} [e] + "js"
} (e), s=function (t) {
L.o nerror=l.o nload=null, clearTimeout (u);
Var n=r [e];
If (0!==n) {
{if (n)
Var I=t & amp; & (" load "===t.t ype? "Missing" : t.t ype),
O=t & amp; & T.t arget & amp; & T.t arget. SRC,
A=new Error (" Loading the chunk "+ e +" failed. \ n (" + I + ":" + o + ") ");
A.t ype=I, a.r equest=o, n [1] (a)
R=void [e] 0
Var u=setTimeout (function () {
S ({
Type: "timeout",
Target: l
E4}, 12);
L.o nerror=l.o nload=s, c.a. ppendChild (l)
Return Promise. All (t)
}, n.m=e, n.c=I, n.d=function (e, t, I) {
N.o (e, t) | | Object. DefineProperty (e, t, {
Enumerable:! 0,
The get: I
{}, n.r=function (e)
"Undefined"!=typeof Symbol & amp; & Symbol. ToStringTag & amp; & Object. DefineProperty (e, Symbol toStringTag, {
Value: "the Module"
}), Object. DefineProperty (e, "__esModule", {
Value:! 0
}, n.t=function (e, t) {
If (1 & amp; T & amp; & (e=n (e)), 8 & amp; T) return e;
If (4 & amp; T & amp; & "Object"==typeof e & amp; & E & amp; & E. __esModule) return e;
Var I=Object. The create (null);
If (n.r (I), Object defineProperty (I, "default", {
Enumerable:! 0,
Value: e
}), 2 & amp; T & amp; & "String"!=typeof e)
For (var) in e o n.d (I, o, the function (t) {
Return e [t]
}. The bind (null, o));
The return of I
{}, n.n=function (e)
Var t=e & amp; & E. __esModule? The function () {
Return e.d efault
} : function () {
Return e
Return n.d (t, "a", t), t
}, n.o=function (e, t) {
The return Object. The prototype. The hasOwnProperty. Call (e, t)
}, Nancy (polocy) pelosi="/", n.o e=function (e) {
Throw the console. The error (e), e

CodePudding user response:

I think it is right, but I learn js has only just begun,

CodePudding user response:

Is compressed, and jqueery almost

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor looking up at the air conditioning of the rabbit's reply:
is compressed, and jqueery about

Is there any way to restore?

CodePudding user response:

Unable to restore, is look trouble points,
Grammar or did not change, can see,
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