Fixed & lt;/div>
Activities & lt;/div>
Var fixed_timer=null;
Var abs_timer=null;
Var rel_timer=null;
Var sub=null;
Document. The getElementById (' fixed '). onm ouseover=function () {
Fixed_timer=setInterval (function () {
Var el=document. GetElementById (" fixed ");
El. Style. The width=(el) offsetWidth + 1) + 'px'
}, 50);
Document. The getElementById (' fixed '). onm ouseout=function () {
Document. GetElementById (' fixed ') style. The width="100 px"
ClearInterval (fixed_timer)
Document. The getElementById (' abs'). onm ouseover=function () {
Abs_timer=setInterval (function () {
Var el=document. GetElementById (' abs');
El. Style. The width=(el) offsetWidth + 1) + 'px'
}, 50);
Document. The getElementById (' abs'). onm ouseout=function () {
Document. GetElementById (' abs') style. The width="100 px"
ClearInterval (abs_timer)
Document. The getElementById (' relative '). onm ouseover=function () {
Rel_timer=setInterval (function () {
Var el=document. GetElementById (" relative ");
El. Style. The width=(el) offsetWidth + 1) + 'px';
El. Style. Left=el. Style. Left? (parseInt (el) style. Left. Replace (' p ', ')) - 3) + 'px' : '- 3 px'
}, 50);
Document. The getElementById (' relative '). onm ouseout=function () {
Var el=document. GetElementById (" relative ");
El. Style. The width="100 px"
El. Style. Left='0 px;
ClearInterval (rel_timer)
Document. The getElementById (' flexsub). onm ouseover=function () {
Fixed_timer=setInterval (function () {
Var el=document. GetElementById (' flexsub ');
El. Style. The width=(el) offsetWidth + 1) + 'px'
}, 50);
Document. The getElementById (' flexsub). onm ouseout=function () {
Document. GetElementById (' flexsub) style. The width="100 px"
ClearInterval (fixed_timer)