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Users in the change password page to fill in the new password, click on the submit form is submitted to the "update. The JSP page, the page for the form of a user ID" uesrID "and" n_psw "new password field, using the JDBC technology, connect to the database, according to the corresponding user ID number, change a user's password, change the success shows" updated "information prompt dialog box, and after 5 seconds to jump to the user interface of information user. JSP"; Change is not successful, show "update failure" message box, and after 5 seconds to jump to the user interface of information "user. JSP";

Page tilte: change the password;
The database name: MCD;
The database account: sa;
Database password: rootroot;
Database table name: the userinfo;
User ID and password in the database table field: userID \ password
The username and password are of type String;

Please update. All the code to fill in the JSP page to answer the box
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