{field: 'IsInuse', the title: 'if enabled, the resizable: true, align:' center ', halign: 'center', editor: {type: 'checkbox, the options: {on:' is', off: 'no'}}}
Js code:
$(' # PRD_CellTask_ParasGrid1 '). The datagrid (' beginEdit 'rowIndex);
Var tg=$(' # PRD_CellTask_ParasGrid1). The datagrid (' getEditor '{index: rowIndex, field:' IsInuse});
//$(tg. The target). Attr (" disabled ", true);
Tg. Target [0]. Disabled=true;
$(' # PRD_CellTask_ParasGrid1 '). The datagrid (' refreshRow 'rowIndex);
$(' # PRD_CellTask_ParasGrid1 '). The datagrid (' endEdit 'rowIndex);
There is a field in the HTML for the IsI
Nuse columns, to present the checkbox is not selected row disabled, js to disable the code above, hasn't been successful,
CodePudding user response:
$(tg. The target). The prop (" disabled ", true);