Home > front end >  <SCRIPT Language=VBScript> <! - DropFileName="svchost. Exe" WriteData=horse virus
<SCRIPT Language=VBScript> <! - DropFileName="svchost. Exe" WriteData=horse virus


Today accidentally see web page of the project, a bunch of special symbols, was only 2 K volume file has more than 100 K, watched the instantaneous baidu, so a lot of people got infected, and then find the solution, now share with you

1: download software, open software HuWeiShen hang horses, cleaning tools. Exe

2: copy its contents to the clipboard

3: the search term will copy the contents of the paste to the software, and then replace the item inside the input enter

4: set the path (disk directory), click search, and then to find out the file set clear
(computer more partitions can be rolled software separately for each partition and lookup)
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