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Ueditor save the path how to modify the picture?


An old project to add ueditor editor, find pictures can only be saved in the asp directory,
"ImageUrlPrefix" : "/ueditor144/asp/,/* image access path prefix */
"ImagePathFormat" : "image/{yyyy} {mm} {dd}/{time} {rand: 6}",/* upload save path, can customize the save path and filename format */

/ueditor144/asp/here under the asp can add directory, such as/ueditor144/asp/upload/,
But not as long as not in asp directory, such as/ueditor144/upload/,/upload/so no,
Editor prompts images uploaded successfully, but can't display images, and then I went to the FTP to see, found that didn't make directory, then I create a directory or not,

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  • ASP
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