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Beginners small white consult, using ajax after encapsulation, PHP has return data, but the console.


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Ajax encapsulation: the object and packaging & lt;/title> <br/></head> <br/><body> <br/><The button id="get" & gt; Get</button> <br/><The button id="post" & gt; POST</button> <br/><br/><script> <br/>Var get=document. GetElementById (" get "); <br/>Var post=document. GetElementById (" post "); <br/><br/>Get the onclick=function () {<br/>$. Ajax ({<br/>Type: "get", <br/>Url: "ajaxfz/get. PHP," <br/>Data: {<br/>Username: "1515", <br/>Password: "4155451" <br/>}, <br/>Success: the function (info) {<br/>console.log(info); <br/>} <br/><br/>}) <br/>}; <br/><br/>Post. The onclick=function () {<br/>$. Ajax ({<br/>Type: "POST", <br/>Url: "ajaxfz/post1. PHP," <br/>DataType: "json", <br/>Parmas: "username=13 & amp; Password=54321 ", <br/>Success: the function (info) {<br/>console.log(info); <br/>}, <br/>Error: function () {<br/>Fried the console. The log (" server "); <br/>} <br/><br/>}) <br/>}; <br/><br/>/* parameter analysis <br/>Type: get | post, the default value: get <br/>Url: must pass, get requests need the stitching in the address bar of the parameter <br/>Async: whether asynchronous, default true <br/>Data: the parameters of the request, is an object that needs to be converted to string format (example: the username=12 & amp; Password=54321) <br/>Params: the parameters of the request <br/>DataType: response to the data type of the XML/json/text <br/>Success: the success of the () callback function <br/>Error: failed callback function <br/>*/<br/>Var $={<br/>Ajax: the function (options) {//options is an object <br/>//if the params not preach object or of a parameter, directly back to <br/>if (! The options | | typeof options! {<br/>="object")return; <br/>} <br/>//if the type is a post by post processing, if not press the get processing, defaults to get <br/>Var type=options. Type==="POST"? "POST" : "get"; <br/>Var url=options. The url; <br/>if (! Url) {<br/>return; <br/>}; <br/>//if the transfer is not false, then the true, the default is true <br/>Var async=options. Async===false? False: true, <br/>Var data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/options.data; <br/>//the parse converts data into params string <br/>//parameters passed <br/>Var params=$. Parse (data); <br/>//response data type <br/>Var dataType=options. DataType; <br/>After the success of the//to do <br/>Var success=options. Success; <br/>//after failing to do <br/>Var error=options. The error; <br/><br/>Var XHR=new XMLHttpRequest (); <br/><br/>//1. Request line, get requests need to be in the address bar splicing parameter <br/>If (type==="get") {<br/>Url=url + "?" + params. <br/>Params=null;//if the parameter has been spliced in the address bar, parameter is set to null <br/>} <br/>XHR. Open (type, url, async); <br/><br/>//2. Request header, a post request need to set the request header <br/>If (type==="POST") {<br/>XHR. SetRequestHeader (" the content-type ", "application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded"); <br/>} <br/><br/>//3. Psot request required parameters, get requests pass null (null) <br/>XHR. Send (params); <br/><br/>//add to monitor, process the response <br/>XHR. Onreadystatechange=function () {<br/>If (XHR. ReadyState===4) {<br/>If (XHR. Status===200) {<br/>//response success <br/>//if success exists (true) implementation success (), there is no (false) does not perform success () <br/>//according to different types of response, you need to do different data processing XML/json/text <br/>Var result=null; <br/>If (dataType==="XML") {<br/>Result=XHR. ResponseXML; <br/>} else if (dataType==="json") {<br/>Result=JSON. Parse (XHR. The responseText); <br/>//the background response back text into a json array or object <br/>} else if (dataType==="text") {<br/>Result=XHR. The responseText; <br/>} <br/>Success & amp; & Success (result); <br/>} else {<br/>//response to the above failure <br/>The error & amp; & Error (XHR. The responseText); <br/>} <br/>} <br/><br/>} <br/><br/><br/>}, <br/>Parse: function (obj) {<br/>//function: converting an object into (username=12 & amp; Password=54321) string <br/>if (! Obj | | typeof obj! {<br/>="object")return null; <br/>} <br/>Var arr=[]; <br/>//object traversal <br/>For (var k in obj) {<br/>Arr. Push (k + "=" + obj [k]);//k as key, obj [k] for value <br/>} <br/>Return arr. Join (& amp; "" );//insert between string & amp; <br/>} <br/>} <br/><br/><br/></script> <br/></body> <br/></html> <br/><br/><pre> </pre> <br/><br/><? PHP <br/>$username=$_GET [' username ']; <br/>$password=$_GET [' password ']. <br/>Echo "get request:". "account:". $username. ", password: ". $password; <br/>?> <br/><br/><p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p><img SRC="https://img.codepudding.com/202011/170635270122311.png" Alt=""/><p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p><img SRC="https://img.codepudding.com/202011/170635270122312.png" Alt=""/> <br/>Has solved the null with XHR. The responseText can, <img SRC="https://img.codepudding.com/202011/170635270122313.gif" Alt=""/><p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p>$. 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