Browser access to the Internet, the web cache (proxy server) in the cache, and what is the difference between computer cache file status of the native?
CodePudding user response:
Set native storage and what's the meaning of the browser cache![](
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CodePudding user response:
First of all, I guess you said is a proxy server of CDNThe purpose of cache is only one, quick
Specific how fast, CDN the source station (that is the real server) data stored in the CDN server data, the CDN vernacular is much closer to your server, but its essence or server,
Local cache is really in your computer's cache, get data from hard drive must be faster than take data from the CDN,
Local storage data sometimes aim is not just for the sake of load quickly, sometimes also can realize functions, such as my first question to solve the problem. The second question and so on each problem is I want to save the answer, this is I can do it to the browser, the browser will be in your local "cache" your answer,