Home > front end >  Do a hai kang VCR login form, has been caught, remote help I have red envelope.
Do a hai kang VCR login form, has been caught, remote help I have red envelope.


A hai kang VCR, want to have a own login page, I will only do a simple login form, look not to understand the equipment the login form source, caught up to you to look at, can help me do the remote, red envelopes,

No secondary development, just want to do a login page, replace the login page with your own design, the user name and password, hidden sign-on log in directly,

CodePudding user response:

I am a questioner,
Post data inside the sessionID can't see you come from

CodePudding user response:

You point my id, my personal elucidation you have qq, you can add it

CodePudding user response:

http://[username] : [code] @ (IP)/ISAPI/Security/sessionLogin/" capabilities? The username=[username]
Get an XML
3 a0731c061c2030c0e89 & lt;/sessionID>
5608 c34dc5b082ac21a14f76c1d2d75c & lt;/challenge>
100 & lt;/iterations>

Login again with the POST

CodePudding user response:

POST password for ASE function name for _strToAESKey js code below e t user name password

GetIrreversibleKey=function (e, t) {
Var a=e.
If (self) oSecurityCap) oIrreversibleEncrypt. BSupport) {
Var I=self. OSecurityCap. OIrreversibleEncrypt. Salt;
Return SHA256 (t + I + e)
} return a

The function SHA256 (a) {
The function of b (a, b) {
Var c=(a& 65535) + (b& 65535);
Return (a> 16) + (b> 16) + (c> 16) & lt; <16 | c& 65535
{} function c (a, b)
Return a>> B | a<32 - b
{} a=function (a)
For (var a=a.r eplace (/\ r \ n/g, "\ n"), b="", c=0; CVar h=a.c harCodeAt (c);
H<128? B +=String. FromCharCode (h) : (h> 127 & amp; & H<2048? B +=String. FromCharCode (h> 6 | 192) : (b +=String. FromCharCode (h> 12 | 224), a + b=String. FromCharCode (h> 6 & amp; 63 | 128)), b +=String. FromCharCode (h& 63 | 128))
} return b
} (a);
Return the function (a) {
For (var="" b, c=0; C & gt;

2] & gt;> (3 - c % 4) * 8 + 4 & amp; 15) + 0123456789 "abcdef". CharAt (a [c> & gt; 2) & gt;> (3 - c % 4) * 8 & amp; 15); Return b
} (function (a, e) {
Var g=[1116352408189447 441304323 471392009 573961871 63150970 993245635 748287763 221362381 080310984 01607252 78142881 987192078 388216078 206261888 103324222 580383390 401402224 774264470 78604076 28770559 83124150 122155081 692199064 986255220 882282834 349295996 808321313 671333571 891358528 711113269 93338418 95666072 05773299 12129757 372139182 291169183 700198661 051,

2177026350245956 037273485 921282302 411325730 800334764 771351065 817360352 804409571 909275233 44430277 34506486 16659605 56883978 77958395 71132822 218153002 063174873 779195562 222202104 815222730 452236852 424242436 474275734 187320031 479332325 298], h=[1779033703314134, 277101904, 242277480, 762135893, 119260822, 924528346, 35154459, 225], f=Array (64), o, p, q, n, j, k, l, m, s, r, u, w.
A [e> & gt; 5] |=128 & lt; <24 - e % 32;
A [(e + 64 & gt; & gt; 9 & lt; & lt; 4) + 15]=e;
For (s=0; SO=h [0];
P=h [1];
Q=h [2];
N=h [3].

K=h [4];
J=h [5];
L=h [6];
M=h [7];
For (r=0; r<64; R++) [r] f=r<16? A/r + s: b (b (b (c (f/r - 2, 17) ^ c (f/r - 2, 19) ^ f/r - 2 & gt;> 10, f [r]), c (f/r - 15, 7) ^ c (f/r - 15, 18) ^ f [15] r - & gt;> 3), f - 16 [r]), u (b (b=b (b (m, c (k, 6) c (k, 11) ^ ^ c (k, 25)), k& J ^ ~ k& L), g) [r], [r]), f w=b (c (o, 2) c (o, 13) ^ ^ c (o, 22), o& P ^ o& Q ^ p& Q), and m=l, l=j, j=k, k=b (n, u), n=q, q=p, p=o, o=b (u, w); H [0]=b (o, h [0]); H [1]=b (p, h [1]); H [2]=b (q, h [2]); H [3]=b (n, h [3]); H [4]=b (k, h [4]); H [5]=b (j, h [5]); H [6]=b (l, h [6]); H [7]=b (m, h [7])
} return h
{} (function (a)
For (var b=[], c=0; C
8) & amp; 255) & lt; <24 - c % 32; Return b
} (a), a. ength * 8))
} var sha256={
Hex: function (a) {
Return SHA256 (a)

_strToAESKey=function (e, t) {
Var a="";
If (self. IKeyIterateNum> 0 {
A=SHA256 (getIrreversibleKey (e, t) + "AaBbCcDd1234! @ # $");
for(var i=1; Self. IKeyIterateNum> i; I++) a=SHA256 (a)
} return self. SzAESKey=a& & Aiaa a.s ubstring (0), self szAESKey

CodePudding user response:

remote help I have a red envelope

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord, can you provide the call, I am now 401 error test bag

CodePudding user response:

Self. OSecurityCap. OIrreversibleEncrypt. Salt; The salt should have other functions handled?
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