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How to put in random 16 containers (1 ~ 8) 16 Numbers, for 1 ~ 8 each number two


code can only be random gives part of the span number (and not more than eight span), how can ability let all span have digital
Ask bosses give a train of thought, or any other method to achieve
//get element
Var front=document. GetElementById (' front ');
Var spans=front. The children;
//in 16 randomly generated 1-8 digital span, twice in every number

//used to store 1 ~ 8 8 random number;
Var arr1=[];
//used to store 0 ~ 15 to 16 random number;
var arr2=[];
For (var I=0; I & lt; Spans. Length/2; I++) {//here if I & lt; Span length, will lead to find when the ninth cycle () function conflict
Var random1=getRandom1 ();
Var random2=getRandom2 ();
//determine whether random number 1-8 in an array, not seen just put random Numbers in the arr1;
if (! Find (random1, arr1)) {
Arr1. Push (random1);
//determine whether random number 0 to 15 in the array, hadn't been put random Numbers in the arr2;
if (! Find (random2 arr2)) {
Arr2. Push (random2);
Spans [random2] innerHTML=random1;//will be randomly generated in 16 span number, but random2 randomly to repeat Numbers, there are Numbers of span of less than eight
} else {
I -;//repeat it returns recycle
//at this point in the only part of the span number


The console. The log (arr1);
The console. The log (arr2);
The console. Dir (spans);

//to find the item in the arr is seen, seen returns true, have not seen or false;
The function find (item, arr) {
For (var I=0; I & lt; Arr. Length; I++) {
If (item===arr [I]) return true;
return false;
//generated random Numbers 1-8
The function getRandom1 (random) {
Var random=Math. Ceil ((Math. The random () * spans in length/2));
Return the random;
//to generate random Numbers 0-15, for span box
The function getRandom2 (random) {
Var random=Math. Floor ((Math. The random () * spans in length));
Return the random;

CodePudding user response:

Var arr=[];
For (var I=1; I & lt;=spans. Length/2; I++) {
Arr. Push (I, I);
For (var I=0; I & lt; Spans. Length; I++) {
Spans [I] innerHTML=arr. Splice (Math) floor ((Math) random () * arr in length)), 1) [0].

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, the sky wave response:
Var arr=[];
For (var I=1; I & lt;=spans. Length/2; I++) {
Arr. Push (I, I);
For (var I=0; I & lt; Spans. Length; I++) {
Spans [I] innerHTML=arr. Splice (Math) floor ((Math) random () * arr in length)), 1) [0].

Arr. Splice (Math. Floor ((math.h random () * arr in length)), 1)
This is random delete an array of digital
But what is the role of [0] behind ah, is it {arr. Splice (math.h floor ((math.h random () * arr in length)), 1)} the deleted content will also be an array, and then take the first?

CodePudding user response:

Is it 1 ~ 8 random take 2 times, in the 16 grid?

CodePudding user response:

bubble fish _ reference 3 floor response:
is 1 ~ 8 random take 2 times, in the 16 grid?

Yes, the requirement is 16 in the grid, 1-8 each two, random distribution

CodePudding user response:

  lazy way,
Var arr=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
Arr. Sort ((a, b)=& gt; Math. The random () 0.5);

CodePudding user response:

Splice can remove multiple elements of the array, and returns an array composed of multiple elements were removed,
If only remove one element is returned only one element of array,
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