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Vue non-inductive refresh


1, in the app. Set reload vue, let components to reload,

Export the default {
Name: 'App',
Dojo.provide () {
Return {
Reload: this. Reload
Data () {
Return {
IsRouterAlive: true
Methods: {
Reload () {
Enclosing isRouterAlive=false
This $nextTick (function () {
Enclosing isRouterAlive=true
"Setup" parts of the above is app. Vue

Then in the component of need to refresh call

Export the default {
Name: 'Layout'
Inject: [' reload '],
Components: {
The Sidebar,
Methods: {
Flush () {
This. Reload ()//in through inject into

"These are need to be refreshed the page"

2, if you need to refresh the page is the introduction of child components, it can be modified by the parent component binding the key values of the refresh

Inquire inquire, nestable. Js drag-and-drop plug-ins how do ban drag and drop,
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