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Js to decrypt


Help solve the JS, thanks!

var _0x36ce=['code','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20','.tbody','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20','date','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20

','.nfccharge','val','is-invalid','message','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20','location','removeClass','text','input','append','\x20\x20\x20\x20','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20失败','.a_usdtnum','log','\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20提现:']; (function (_0x2fd5ca, _0x36ceb5) {var _0x4d1ff9=function (_0x2d7f8f) {while (-- _0x2d7f8f) {_0x2fd5ca [' push '] (_0x2fd5ca [' shift '] ()); }}; _0x4d1ff9 (+ + _0x36ceb5); } (x12d _0x36ce, 0)); Var _0x4d1f=function (_0x2fd5ca _0x36ceb5) {_0x2fd5ca=_0x2fd5ca - 0 x0; Var _0x4d1ff9=_0x36ce [_0x2fd5ca]; Return _0x4d1ff9; }; Var type=_0x4d1f (' 0 xb), page=0 x1, size=0 x14; Var compute=function (_0xf25225) {_0xf25225=_0xf25225 | | 0 x1; If (charge<=0 x0) {return 0 x0; } else if (charge>=0 x1) {return charge; } else {return of number_format (charge * _0xf25225); }}; Var setDateAsUsdt=function () {$(_0x4d1f (' 0 x2e) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x29)] (of number_format (money/rate)); }; Var getData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/function () {var _0x2f211e={' page: the page, 'size: the size,' type: type}; Ajax (API [_0x4d1f (' 0 x1e)] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x 5 ')], _0x2f211e, function (_0x321ef5) {if (_0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x31)]!=0 xc8) {toast (_0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x24)]); } else {var _0x32e07b=' '; For (var _0xad43f=0 x0; _0xad43f & lt; _0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x7)] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x12)]; _0xad43f + +) {_0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x15); X2c _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 '); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x2); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x25); X26 _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 '); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x4); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x9); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x13); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x30) + of number_format (_0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x7)] [_0xad43f] [' usdt_num ']) + '\ x20USDT & lt;/h6 & gt; '; _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x0) + _0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x7)] [_0xad43f] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x3)] + _0x4d1f (' 0 x20 '); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x9); X1d _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 '); If (_0x321ef5 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x7)] [_0xad43f] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x1b)]==0 x1) {_0x32e07b +='\ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 \ x20 & lt; H6 \ x20class=\ x22text - success \ x22 & gt; Successful & lt;/h6 & gt; '; } else if (_0x321ef5 [' data '] [_0xad43f] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x1b)]==0 x2) {_0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x1a); } else if (_0x321ef5 [' data '] [_0xad43f] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x1b)]==0 x0) {_0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x2d '); } _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x9); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 xd); _0x32e07b +=_0x4d1f (' 0 x17); } $(_0x4d1f (' 0 x1)) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x2b)] (_0x32e07b); }}); }; Require ([_0x4d1f (' 0 x16)], the function (_0x218403) {_0x218403 (function () {setDateAsUsdt (); getData(); X18 _0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 ')) [' on '] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x2a), function () {var _0x14ad46=_0x218403 (this) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x22)] (); _0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 xe) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x29)] (_0x14ad46); _0x218403 (' nfcnumber ') [_0x4d1f (' 0 x29)] (_0x14ad46 * rate); X21 _0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 ')) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x29)] (compute (_0x14ad46) * rate); }); X1c _0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 ')) [' on '] (_0x4d1f (' 0 xa), function () {the console [_0x4d1f (' 0 x2f)] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x19 ')); If (_0x218403 (this) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x11)] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x6))) {return! []; } var _0x471076={' type: type}; Var _0x536419=_0x218403 (' withdraw \ x20input [name=number] ') [' val '] (); If (_0x536419=='| | isNaN (_0x536419) | | _0x536419 & lt;=0 x0) {_0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x18) [_0x4d1f (' 0 xc)] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x23) [' focus'] (); return! []; } _0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x18) [' removeClass] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x23)); X1f _0x471076 [_0x4d1f (' 0 ')]=_0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x18) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x22)] (); Var _0x5de842=_0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x14) [_0x4d1f (' 0 x22)] (); If (_0x5de842=='| | _0x5de842 [_0x4d1f (' 0 x12)] <0 x6) {_0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x14) [' addClass] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x23) [' focus'] (); return! []; } _0x218403 (' withdraw \ x20input [name=safeword] ') [_0x4d1f (' 0 x28)] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x23)); By 8 _0x471076 [_0x4d1f (' 0 ')]=_0x218403 (_0x4d1f (' 0 x14) [' val '] (); _0x218403 (this) [_0x4d1f (' 0 xc)] (_0x4d1f (' 0 x6 ')); $BTN=_0x218403 (this); Ajax (API [_0x4d1f (' 0 x1e)] [_0x4d1f (' 0 x10)], _0x471076, function (_0x3deea2) {$BTN [_0x4d1f (' 0 x28)] (' BTN - loading '); nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull

Page link:https//www.codepudding.com/frontend/90839.html

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