Bosses, please help to see...
In the asp
Set the rs=Server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ")
Rs. Open the "select * from QS where Itemmix='" & amp; Itemmix & amp; "' and Qs_Ver1st=" & amp; Qs_VerJJ & amp; "The ORDER by id desc", connCTD, 1, 3
ItemNameS=rs (" ItemNameS ")
Can get the information, into the VB6 not
Make the following changes not
Dim connCTD
The Set connCTD=MyServer. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
ConnCTD. Open "driver={Microsoft Access driver (*. MDB)}; DBQ="& amp; MyServer. MapPath ("/plan/$CTD#. Asp ")
Set the rs=Server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ")
Rs. Open the "select * from QS where Itemmix='" & amp; Itemmix & amp; "' and Qs_Ver1st=" & amp; Qs_VerJJ & amp; "The ORDER by id desc", connCTD, 1, 3
ItemNameS=rs (" ItemNameS ")
Unable to read the project information,
CodePudding user response:
An error message or posted is better that where is problemCodePudding user response:
Theory does not need to look at the code, what should the error message posted, according to the error handling.CodePudding user response:
Digging up the grave post last year, it is obvious that the Server is the ASP to some object, the Server to remove line, also do not need MapPath local environment