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Webpack compiled js code how to call the function inside


(window. WebpackJsonp=window. WebpackJsonp | | []), push ([
[14] and {
"Xx" + 6: function (t, e, n) {
Var r=n (" y1pI ");
T.e xports=function (t) {
Return r (enclosing __data__, t) & gt; 1
}, "+ 924" : function (t, e, n) {
"Use strict";
N.d (e, "a", (the function () {
Return r
N (" 9 aqc ");

Var y=function () {
Try {
Var t=c ();
if (! T) throw new Error (" you should make sure the using this method after getRiskInfo method or getServerTime called!" );
Var e=l (h {}, {
ServerTime: t
N=(u=new o.a (e)). MessagePack (v);
Return the u.c. learCache (), n
} the catch (r) {
Return ""

Want to put the script in HTML pages, how can we call to the inside of the y the function, seek expert advice,

The complete code https://mms-static.pinduoduo.com/main/_next/static/z_c2rrxGlbwsPjCvWUKZd/pages/_app.js

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