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Simplify the code, click the link according to the number of the number of images in json loading de


The function open_detail (item) {
Var p1=item. Picture1;
The p2=item. Picture2;
P3=item. Picture3;
P4=item. Picture4;
P5=item. Picture5;
P6=item. Picture6;
If (p1!=str& & The p2!=str& & P3!=str& & P4!=str& & P5!=str& & P6!=STR) {
Var options={
Styles: {
"PopGesture" : "close",
"Render" : "always,"
"PopGesture" : "hide",
"Bounce", "vertical",
"BounceBackground" : "# efeff4,"
"TitleNView" : {//details page native navigation configuration
BackgroundColor: '# f7f7f7',//navigation bar background
TitleText: item name,//navigation title
TitleColor: '# 000000',//text color
Type: 'transparent',//transparent gradient style
AutoBackButton: true,//automatic drawing back arrow
SplitLine: {//at the bottom of the line
Color: '# CCCCCC
"SubNViews" : [{//configuration image shuffling
Id: 'the slider - native,
Type: 'ImageSlider',
Styles: {
//left: '0',
//right: '0',
Top: '50 px,
Height: "200 px",
Position: 'static',
BackgroundColor: "# FFFFFF",
Loop: true,
Images: [
SRC: item. Picture1,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item. Picture2,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item picture3,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item picture4,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item picture5,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item picture6,
Height: "200 px",
Extras: {
Name: item name,
Code: item code,
Price: the item price,
Introduce: item. Introduce,
Properties: the item. The properties,
Else if (p2==STR) {
Var options={
Styles: {
"PopGesture" : "close",
"Render" : "always,"
"PopGesture" : "hide",
"Bounce", "vertical",
"BounceBackground" : "# efeff4,"
"TitleNView" : {//details page native navigation configuration
BackgroundColor: '# f7f7f7',//navigation bar background
TitleText: item name,//navigation title
TitleColor: '# 000000',//text color
Type: 'transparent',//transparent gradient style
AutoBackButton: true,//automatic drawing back arrow
SplitLine: {//at the bottom of the line
Color: '# CCCCCC
"SubNViews" : [{//configuration image shuffling
Id: 'the slider - native,
Type: 'ImageSlider',
Styles: {
//left: 0,
//right: 0,
Top: '50 px,
Height: "200 px",
Position: 'static',
BackgroundColor: "# FFFFFF",
Loop: true,
Images: [
SRC: item. Picture1,
Height: "200 px",
Extras: {
Name: item name,
Code: item code,
Price: the item price,
Introduce: item. Introduce,
Properties: the item. The properties,
Else if (p3==STR) {
Var options={
Styles: {
"PopGesture" : "close",
"Render" : "always,"
"PopGesture" : "hide",
"Bounce", "vertical",
"BounceBackground" : "# efeff4,"
"TitleNView" : {//details page native navigation configuration
BackgroundColor: '# f7f7f7',//navigation bar background
TitleText: item name,//navigation title
TitleColor: '# 000000',//text color
Type: 'transparent',//transparent gradient style
AutoBackButton: true,//automatic drawing back arrow
SplitLine: {//at the bottom of the line
Color: '# CCCCCC
"SubNViews" : [{//configuration image shuffling
Id: 'the slider - native,
Type: 'ImageSlider',
Styles: {
//left: 0,
//right: 0,
Top: '50 px,
Height: "200 px",
Position: 'static',
BackgroundColor: "# FFFFFF",
Loop: true,
Images: [
SRC: item. Picture1,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item. Picture2,
Height: "200 px",
Extras: {
Name: item name,
Code: item code,
Price: the item price,
Introduce: item. Introduce,
Properties: the item. The properties,
Else if (p4==STR) {
Var options={
Styles: {
"PopGesture" : "close",
"Render" : "always,"
"PopGesture" : "hide",
"Bounce", "vertical",
"BounceBackground" : "# efeff4,"
"TitleNView" : {//details page native navigation configuration
BackgroundColor: '# f7f7f7',//navigation bar background
TitleText: item name,//navigation title
TitleColor: '# 000000',//text color
Type: 'transparent',//transparent gradient style
AutoBackButton: true,//automatic drawing back arrow
SplitLine: {//at the bottom of the line
Color: '# CCCCCC
"SubNViews" : [{//configuration image shuffling
Id: 'the slider - native,
Type: 'ImageSlider',
Styles: {
Left: 0,
Right: 0,
Top: 0,
Height: "200 px",
Position: 'static',
BackgroundColor: "# FFFFFF",
Loop: true,
Images: [
SRC: item. Picture1,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item. Picture2,
Height: "200 px",
}, {
SRC: item picture3,
Height: "200 px",
Extras: {
Name: item name,
Code: item code,
Price: the item price,
Introduce: item. Introduce,
Properties: the item. The properties,
Else if (p5==STR) {
Var options={
Styles: {
"PopGesture" : "close",
"Render" : "always,"
"PopGesture" : "hide",
"Bounce", "vertical",
"BounceBackground" : "# efeff4,"
"TitleNView" : {//details page native navigation configuration
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