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Simply introduced the common basic components


A: basic rectangular
Rectangular 1: the border of the rectangle, you can add text, by style control the borders, background colors, fonts, etc.,
Rectangular 2: without borders of the rectangle, you can add text, by style control the borders, background colors, fonts, etc.,
Rectangular 3: without borders of the rectangle, you can add text, by style control the borders, background colors, fonts, etc.,
Round, oval, with borders, you can add text, by style control the borders, background colors, fonts, etc.,
Images: used to load the components of the picture, you can add text, by style control the borders, fonts, etc.,
A placeholder: multi-purpose told the other members of the team here I took, but can also do a specific effect, etc.,

Two: the button
Button, button, on the basis of the rectangle with a rounded, can be in the form of a rectangular + replace button,
Main button, button, on the basis of the button to add a background color, can be in the form of a rectangular + substitution,
Link button, button, on the basis of the text label changes the background color, can be in the form of a rectangular + replace button,

3: the title
Primary, secondary, tertiary tags: text tag,
Four: the tag, paragraph
Text labels: used to display text,
Text paragraphs: used to display more words,

Five: vertical, horizontal
Horizontal line: horizontal line, can be used to separate, can adjust the line Angle,
Vertical line: vertical line, can be used to separate, can adjust the line Angle,

Six: hot
Hotspots: multi-purpose when some parts need interaction effect on the images, on the area to turn it into interactive areas (such as: click),

Six: dynamic panel
Dynamic panel: can be used in the switch, the dynamic effect such as pop-up box, with many unique properties, such as container, layer, such as adaptive,

Six: inline frame
Inline frames: embedded web browsing, equivalent to the iframe HTML,

Six: repeater
Repeater: to achieve the separation of content and style, complex interaction effect of artifact,

The form element
Text box: normal text box, through the attribute value can become a common form of almost any input box, such as password, date, file selection, etc.,
Multiline text box: may input multiple lines of text boxes,
Drop-down list box: drop-down list box, the runtime can only from the drop-down list to choose not input,
List box: ordinary list box, suggest use the repeater instead,
Check box: ordinary checkbox,
Radio buttons, radio buttons, it is necessary to establish a radio button group, otherwise the whole page only one can be selected at the same time,
Submit button: ordinary button, only a style is not the same as basic elements of,

Menu and form
Tree menu: tree top parts, the need to check the effect to control with events,
Form: simple form, combined with the repeater can realize the complex interaction effect,
Level menu: the pop-up menu,
Vertical menu: vertical pop-up menus,

Tag element: used for marking, function is essentially the same, just different style,
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