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Story - saga has been called the action


Saga. Js
The import {takeEvery, put} from 'story - saga/effects'
The import {GET_NAME_VALUE} from './actionTypes'
The import axios from 'axios'
The import {getName} from './actionCreators'

The function * fetchGetName (action) {
The console. The log (action)
Const res=yield axios. Get ('/test. The json)
Const name=res. Data. The name
Yield the put (getName (name))

* mySaga function () {
Yield takeEvery (GET_NAME_VALUE fetchGetName)

Export the default mySaga

Import the React, {Component} from 'React'
The import store from '/store'
Import {getName} from './store/actionCreators'
Export the default class App extends Component {
The constructor (props) {
Super (props)

This. State=store. GetState ()

Render () {
Return (


//listen to the state in the store to change the page
ComponentDidMount () {
Store. The subscribe (()=& gt; Enclosing setState (store. GetState ()))

HandleGetName () {
Store. Dispatch (getName ())

See can in the console or redux tools have been calling the action
Why is this excuse me?
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