Home > front end >  Dedecms slides in the picture how to control the size, please?
Dedecms slides in the picture how to control the size, please?


Slide calling code is as follows, if I upload pictures is not equal to 680 * 350, pictures will be cut or stretching, how do I force into 680 * 350??

<script language='javascript' & gt;
Linkarr=new Array ();
Picarr=new Array ();
Textarr=new Array ();
Var swf_width=680;
Var swf_height=350;
//text color | | text location text background color background transparency | | text the default color key text color | | key current color | | automatic playback time image transition effects whether | | show button to open the way
Var configtg='0 XFFFFFF | 1 | 0 x3fa61f 5 | | 0 XFFFFFF | 0 xc5ddbc | 0 x000033 | 2 | 3 | 1 | _blank';
Var files="";
Var links="";
Var texts="";
//set up here call tag
='f' {dede: arclist flag row='5' 60 imgheight titlelen==350 imgwidth=680}
Linkarr [[field: global autoindex/]]="[field: arcurl/]";
Picarr [[field: global autoindex/]]="[field: litpic/]";
Textarr [[field: global autoindex/]]="[field: title function='html2text (@ me)'/]".
{/dede: arclist}

for(i=1; iIf (files=="") files=picarr [I] the replace (" lp", "");
The else files +="|" + picarr [I] the replace (" lp ", "");

for(i=1; i<linkarr. Length; I++) {
If the links (links=="")=linkarr [I];
The else links +="|" + linkarr [I];
for(i=1; iIf (texts=="") texts=textarr [I];
The else texts +="|" + textarr [I];
Document. Write (' & lt; Object every "that d27cdb6e - ae6d b8 cf - 96-11-444553540000" the codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6, 0, 0," width="' + swf_width + '" height="' + swf_height + '" & gt; ');
Document. Write (' & lt; Param name="movie" value="HTTP://https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/{dede: global cfg_templeturl/}/default/images/bcastr3 SWF" & gt; Document. Write (' & lt; Param name="menu" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/false" & gt; Document. Write (' & lt; For FlashVars param name="value=" "https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/bcastr_file='+ files + & amp; Bcastr_link='+ links + & amp; Bcastr_title='+ texts + & amp; Bcastr_config='+ configtg +' "& gt; ');
Document. Write (' & lt; Embed SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/{dede: global cfg_templeturl/}/default/images/bcastr3 SWF" wmode="opaque" for FlashVars="bcastr_file='+ files + & amp; Bcastr_link='+ links + & amp; Bcastr_title='+ texts + & amp; Bcastr_config='+ configtg + & amp; Menu="false" quality="high" width="' + swf_width + '" height="' + swf_height + '" type="application/x - the rest - flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"/& gt; '); Document. Write (' & lt;/object> ');

CodePudding user response:

The size of the press with browser F12 find pictures and try setting the width and height of CSS
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