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Apache errorlog log record after segmentation of discontinuity


Apache log segmentation configuration as shown in the figure below:
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "/home/webroot/TZB"
ServerName instead
LogFormat "% % % % u l t h " % r \ % & gt;" % s % b \ '{Referer} I \ "" % {the user-agent} I \ "" % {x - forwarded - for} \ "I" combined2
CustomLog | "/home/HTTPD 2.4.28/bin/rotatelogs - 86400" l/home/httpd-2.4.28/logs/tzb_log/tzb.com.access-%Y-%m-%d.log combined2
ErrorLog | "/home/HTTPD - 2.4.28/bin/rotatelogs - l/home/httpd-2.4.28/logs/tzb_log/tzb.com.error-%Y-%m-%d.log 86400"

But the errorlog log is not generated every day, there is one day no log files are generated, what is this?
Insurance assessment requirements such as logging is generated every day, said it was high risk vulnerabilities, consult how to modify the configuration file instead,
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