Home > front end > VUE novice for help, the new version scaffolding don't know how can you run
VUE novice for help, the new version scaffolding don't know how can you run
I vue is a novice, always watching the tutorial, now looking at the vue scaffolding, 6.12.1 NPM current version, vue - 4.4.6 cli version, in accordance with the said in the tutorial, open a command line, 1 input vue create huiben3 2 set up complete, CD huiben3, CNPM install, all ok 3 CNPM run serve, next is as follows:
[email protected] serve D: \ fireknight \ myFiles \ work \ my H5 \ svnfolder \ eduonline \ \ English huiben3 Vue cli - service serve
The INFO Starting development server... ERROR ERROR: Package exports for 'D: \ fireknight \ myFiles H5 \ \ work \ my \ English svnfolder \ eduonline \ huiben3 \ node_modules \ colorette' do not define a valid '. 'target Error: Package exports for 'D: \ fireknight \ myFiles H5 \ \ work \ my \ English svnfolder \ eduonline \ huiben3 \ node_modules \ colorette' do not define a valid '. 'target The at resolveExportsTarget (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 545:13) The at applyExports (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 459:14) The at resolveExports (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 508:12) Ats Function. The Module. _findPath (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 577:20) Ats Function. The Module. _resolveFilename (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 879:27) Ats Function. The Module. _load (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 785:27) At the Module. The require (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 956:19) At the require (internal/modules/CJS/helpers. Js: 74:18) At the Object. & lt; Anonymous> (D: \ fireknight \ myFiles \ work \ my H5 \ svnfolder \ \ English eduonline \ huiben3 \ node_modules \ autoprefixer \ lib \ autoprefixer js: 5:17) At the Module. _compile (internal/modules/CJS/loader. Js: 1063:30) npm ERR! Code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! Errno 1 npm ERR! [email protected] serve: ` vue cli - service serve ` npm ERR! The Exit status 1 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] serve script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with NPM. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C: \ Users \ fireknight \ AppData \ Roaming \ NPM - cache \ _logs \ 2020-07-14 T10_15_24_817Z - the debug log
Don't know what is version of the problem or question, NPM cache clean -- force also tried, could you tell me what's the solution?