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Js how to perform another function in the current function, and wait for the end of another function


Var baseURL=the require ("./API. Js');
Var sm2=the require ("./sm2. Js');
Var appJs;
//display the progress bar network request
The requested url//url: network
//params: request parameter
//the message: the progress bar's tooltip
//the methods: request way
//hideLoad: hidden wx showLoading
//hideToast: hidden wx showToast
//used to generate the uuid
The function S4 () {
Return (((1 + Math. The random ()) * 0 x10000) | 0). ToString (16). The substring (1);

The function guid () {
Return (S4 () + S4 () + "-" + S4 () + "-" + S4 () + "-" + S4 () + "-" + S4 S4 () () + + S4 ());

The function objKeySort (obj) {//sorting function
Var newkey=Object. Keys (obj). Sort ();
//with the Object of a built-in class first obtained keys to sort Object property names, using the Array sort method to obtain the property name on the prototype for sorting, newkey is an Array
Var newObj={};//create a new object, used to hold sorted key/value pair
For (var I=0; I & lt; The newkey. Length; I++) {//traverse the newkey array
NewObj [newkey [I]]=obj [newkey [I]].//to the newly created object, in turn, increase the key/value pair in row of good order
Return newObj;//returns the sorted new object

The function timest () {
Var TMP=Date. Parse (new Date ()). The toString ();
TMP=TMP. Substr (0, 10);
return tmp;

Var uuid;
Var token="";
Var _token_="";
Let superPrivateKey=sm2. SuperPrivateKey;
Let privateKey="";
Const rsa=the require ("../utils/cryptojs - master/cryptojs js');
Const Encrypt=the require ("../utils/jsencrypt. Min. Js');
Let the encryptor=new Encrypt. JSEncrypt ();
The encryptor. SetPrivateKey (superPrivateKey);//set the private key

//function getResult (callback, callback1) {
//if (! PrivateKey) {
//callback ()
//the debugger
//} else {
//callback1 ()
//getResult (getA, requestLoading);

The function getA () {
Wx. Request ({
Url: baseURL baseURL + 'API/services/app/Setting/GetCerPriKeyAsync',
Data: "'
Header: {},
Method: 'Get',
Success: the function (res) {
The console. The log (res)
Let array=res. Data. The Result. The data;
Let sourcePrivate=' ';
For (let a=0; A. & lt; Array. The length; {+)
SourcePrivate +=the encryptor. Decrypt (array) [a];
The console. The log (" original private key "+ sourcePrivate);
The encryptor. SetPrivateKey (sourcePrivate);
The debugger
//requestLoading ()
//getHomeSetting ()
Fail: function (res) {
The console. The log (res)
Complete: a function (res) {},

The function requestLoading (url, params, message, the methods, hideLoad, hideToast) {
if (! AppJs) {
AppJs=getApp ();
Return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {
if (! PrivateKey) {
GetA ()
The debugger
Reject ()
Var method=the methods | | "GET";
Params=params | | {};
Params. MpContentType=1;
if (! HideLoad) {
{if (method=="POST")
If (the message! {
="")Wx. ShowLoading ({
Title: message,
Mask: true
} else {
Wx. ShowLoading ({
Title: 'data load,
Mask: true
If (url. The substring (0, 1)=='/') {
Url=url. Substr (1);
//token is used directly, there is no empty
If (appJs) {
Token=appJs. GlobalData. Token;
AppJs. GlobalData. PrivateKey=privateKey;
if (! Token) {
Token=wx. GetStorageSync (' token ') | | wx. GetStorageSync (" token ");
AppJs. GlobalData. Token=token;
} else {
Token=wx. GetStorageSync (' token ') | | wx. GetStorageSync (" token ");
//url splicing token and __shop__
Let __shop__=wx. GetStorageSync (" organizationid ") | | '.
If (url. LastIndexOf ("?" )==1) {
Url=url + '? _token_='+ _token_ + & amp; __shop__='+ __shop__
} else {
Url=url + '& amp; _token_='+ _token_ + & amp; __shop__='+ __shop__
{if (method=="GET")
Params. Timestamp=timest ();
Params=objKeySort (params);
Let the STR=Object. Keys (params). The map (function (key) {
Return "" concat (encodeURIComponent (key),"="). The concat (encodeURIComponent (params [key]));
}). Join (' & amp; ');
STR='_token_=' + _token_ + '& amp; __shop__='+ __shop__ + & amp; '+ STR;
Let sha256sign=the encryptor. Sign (STR, rsa. The Crypto. SHA256, "SHA256");
Sha256sign=encodeURIComponent (sha256sign);
Params. Sign=sha256sign;
If (method=="POST" | | method=="PUT") {
Var aa=JSON. Stringify (params);
Let the STR='_token_=' + _token_ + '& amp; __shop__='+ __shop__ + & amp; Timestamp='+ timest () + aa;
Let sha256sign=the encryptor. Sign (STR, rsa. The Crypto. SHA256, "SHA256")
Sha256sign=encodeURIComponent (sha256sign);
Url=url + '& amp; Timestamp='+ timest () +' & amp; Sign='+ sha256sign;
{if (method=="DELETE")
Let the index=url. LastIndexOf ("?" );
Let the STR=url. The substring (index + 1, url. Length) + '& amp; Timestamp='+ timest () + JSON. Stringify (params);
Let sha256sign=the encryptor. Sign (STR, rsa. The Crypto. SHA256, "SHA256")
Sha256sign=encodeURIComponent (sha256sign);
Url=url + '& amp; Timestamp='+ timest () +' & amp; Sign='+ sha256sign;
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