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Apache's health check


Using Apache's own mod_proxy_hcheck module can realize simple health check,

For example: the following set, can realize the back-end load or judgment

BalancerMember hcmethod=http://www.example.com/GET hcuri=/status. The PHP
BalancerMember http://www1.example.com/hcmethod=TCP hcinterval=5 hcpasses=2 hcfails=3
BalancerMember http://www2.example.com/

ProxyPass "/" "balancer://foo"
ProxyPassReverse "/" "balancer://foo"

Refers to the actual use of multi-stage load, Apache back-end load directly no problem, but the back-end load may have other problems,
This kind of situation, check the level of health directly using the Get way actually meaning no,

Apache health check feeling is currently active health examination, namely: the feedback through health examination to confirm the back end anyway,
And inspection does not include the kinds of Post way,
In fact, if we can confirm the passive access (i.e., the user's access), or take the initiative to check can send Post access, should can reach the corresponding target,
Don't know you a great god, in the work is how to deal with this kind of problem?
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