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Single sign-on (sso)


On a system login system, three conditions here account password write dead, with appropriate changes when

1. The form form submitted

OpenPostWindow () {

Var newWin=window. The open (),
FormStr=' ';
//set the style to hide, before opening a new TAB to jump page, if there are forms of real option, the user will see the form content data
FormStr='& lt; The form style="visibility: hidden;" Method="POST" action=" access address ? Stitching parameters under "& gt; + '
'& lt; Input type="hidden" name="username" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ account "/& gt; '+' & lt; Input type="hidden" name="password", "
Value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ password [color=# FF0000] [/color ]"/& gt; + '
'& lt;/form> ';

NewWin. Document. Body. InnerHTML=formStr;
NewWin. Document. Forms [0]. Submit ();
Return newWin;

2. The same domain name
Axios ({
Headers: {
'deviceCode' : 'A95ZEF1-47 b5 - AC90BF3',
'the content-type' : 'application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded'
Method: "post",
TransformRequest: [function (data) {
//to any data conversion processing
Return Qs. Stringify (data)
Url: 'address'
Data: {
User_name: 'account',
Pass_word: password md5 encryption,
}). Then (res=& gt; {
SessionStorage. SetItem (' token 'res. Data. The data. The token)//save the request token user information
LocalStorage. SetItem (" userName ", res. Data. The data. The user. The user_true_name);
After the success of the landing window. The open (" jump url ")
3. Cross domain login
Cross domain login first to convert him to the same domain and then cache, write a separate HTML mount to domain name the same server, the current system windo. Open (address) of mount in this HTML to request (HTML is axios request) I after the need to request the account password to send a request to store token, and use it every time after a moderate amount of reference
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/axios.js" & gt; </script>
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/md5.js" & gt; </script>
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/qs.js" & gt; </script>
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/vue.js" & gt; </script>

Var app=new Vue ({
El: "# app,"
Data () {
Return {


Methods: {
OpenAxiosWindow () {
Axios. Post (' send the address of the account password, {
User_name: 'account',
Pass_word: hex_md5 (" password ")
}). Then (res=& gt; {
The console. The log (res)
LocalStorage. SetItem (" ms_username, "res. Data. User_true_name);
Enclosing getinfo ()


Getinfo () {
Axios. Post (' request address). Then (res=& gt; {
The console. The log (' full results')
The console. The log (res)
The console. The log (' res. Data. The user. The user_name)
The console. The log (res) data. User. User_name)
LocalStorage. SetItem (" loginName, "res. Data. User. User_name);
LocalStorage. SetItem (" loginPass ", "admin");
Window. The location. Href='https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/jump after a successful login address;

Mounted () {
Created () {
Enclosing openAxiosWindow ()

CodePudding user response:

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