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Knowledge about the JSP


Learn js:
2. The CSS
Js + HTML + CSS==it

1). Ecamscript ES is a standard of js, js is the realization of the ES
2) Document Object Model (Document Object Model, or DOM)
3) the Browser Object Model (Browser Object Model, BOM)

Js is embedded in HTML, performed by the browser
Js is a literal translation type scripting language, weak language (variable can use var definition, single led, double guide said string), the browser can run directly
Js can cross-platform support android ios Linux Unix OS x, and other Windows system
Js (pseudo) object-oriented languages

(object-oriented python object-oriented scripting language PHP scripting language)
(c #, Java, c + + object oriented language) process oriented (c language)

Js code execution unsafe
Js: 1. Basic pattern 2. Strict mode

Js function type function
Define function format
The function the function name ()

Button click event: onclick="function name ()
Js file with the separation of HTML code, the use of external js file attributes is SRC

Identifier naming rules ES6
1. The identifier can be letters, Numbers, underscores, $
2. The identifier cannot begin with digital
3. The identifier strictly case-sensitive
4. The identifier can not be keyword

PASCAL PASCAL naming rules: capitalize the first letter of each word
Camel hump naming rules: the first letter of the first words lowercase, behind the capitals

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