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Django Settings after logging configuration server in 500


Today again to django configuration log, in local window is ok, but on the server directly above 500,
Configuration Settings are as follows:
The import OS
LOGGING_DIR='/data/log/# log folder path
# if platform. The system ()=='Windows' :
# LOGGING_DIR='C: \ \ Users \ \ \ \ Desktop \ \ yutang - 10 server \ \ log'
# the else:
# LOGGING_DIR='/data/log'
# is our next to log configuration
"Version" : 1,
'disable_existing_loggers: False,
'handlers' : {
'the console: {
'level' : 'DEBUG',
'class' : 'logging. StreamHandler',
'the db: {
'level' : 'DEBUG',
'class' : 'logging. Handlers. RotatingFileHandler',
'filename' : OS. Path. Join (LOGGING_DIR, 'django_db. Log),
'maxBytes: 1024 * 1024, # 1 m size segmentation
'backupCount: 30
'django_run: {
'level' : 'INFO',
'class' : 'logging. Handlers. TimedRotatingFileHandler',
'filename' : OS. Path. Join (LOGGING_DIR, 'django_debug. Log),
'when' : 'midnight',
'backupCount: 7
'loggers: {
'the django: {
'handlers: [' django_run', 'the console],
'level' : 'INFO',
'the propagate: True
# this is the database
'the django. Db. Backends: {
'handlers: [' db', 'the console],
'the propagate: True,
'level' : 'DEBUG'
# this is the debug
'log' : {
'handlers: [' django_run', 'the console],
'level' : 'INFO',
'the propagate: True,
On the server log files are generated, but just can not access the server, has been 500, bosses guidance, thank you very much
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