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Vue project configuration of local, testing, production environment, configuration axios. Defaults.


Doing a vue project recently, think through different command API calls to different environment, prevent manually modify the API error back and forth, online to see a lot of writing are not complete, then a whim themselves to write an article,

A simple said the first project,

1, install the vue scaffolding

NPM install vue cli - g

2, engineering is put in find a folder on your hard disk to use, in the terminal access to the directory

CD directory path

3, according to the template to create the project

Vue init webpack project name & lt; Project name can't use Chinese & gt;

4, behind is configured according to his be fond of, whether the last saved his be fond of setting, I generally don't save, each time according to the situation to configure

5, installation depend on

CD project directory
NPM install

2, open the project after installation. The json file, configure the test (test environment instruction)

NPM run dev call local environment
NPM run test test environment API call ali
NPM run production build call API

There are three different environmental instructions

Three, in the build directory set up the test. The js, webpack. Test. Conf. Js file

Will build. The content of the js all copy to the test. The js file test. Js finish

Will webpack. Prod. Conf. Copy the contents of js to webpack. Test. Conf. Js file,
And then modify the webpack. Test. Conf. Js files;
The const env=the require ("../config/prod env ');
Modified to const env=the require ("../config/test env ');
Webpack. Test. Conf. Js completed

Four, the test in the config file. The env. Js file

Will prod. Env. Js content all copy to the test. The env. Js file,
Respectively in the dev. Env. Js, the test env. Js, prod. Env. Define variables in js API_ROOT,

5, in the config folder configuration index. Js

To increase the test configuration items, all the content in the build configuration items can be copied

Six, in the main. Js file configuration baseURL

Such configuration of more than one environment, can realize the development, testing, production environment literally call, never got to change

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The content of the third step, will build. Js all copy to the test. The js file after needs to modify the content inside the

Modify before: const webpackConfig=the require ("./webpack. Prod. Conf ')

Revised: const webpackConfig=the require ("./webpack. Test. The conf ')

Fifth, action is packaged a different from "dist" folder to another folder, can be omitted if there is no need to

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Solve the problem of cross domain with specifications

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refer to the second floor, and so on _5836 response:
are there any instructions on solving the problem of cross-domain
what instructions

CodePudding user response:

This configuration the cross-domain pass it

CodePudding user response:

Feel the complication, if just want to use different API address under different environment, and other variables, the official tutorial will explain how

: step 1 in the project root directory to create file
Effective. Env -- -- all the environmental
. The env. The effective development, the development environment is preferred
Effect. The env. Test, test environment priority
step 2 : the three files are written to environment variables, such as API address
Env - content: VUE_APP_BASEAPI=API/
. The env. Development -- content: VUE_APP_BASEAPI=http://localhost:5500/api/
. The env. The test - content: test server VUE_APP_BASEAPI=http://: 5500/API/
step 3 : use environment variables where need to use
For example give axios components set the global API address
Axios. Defaults. BaseURL=process. The env. VUE_APP_BASEAPI;
website tutorial

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What's wrong? The background configuration