Home > front end >  Centos8.2 installation nginx1.18.0
Centos8.2 installation nginx1.18.0


All parameters nginx module introduces: (may not complete)
User - the user specifies the launcher belong to
- group specified group
-- prefix specified installation path
- sbin - path set nginx binary file path name
- the conf - path specified configuration file path
- the error log - path error log file path
- HTTP - log - path specified access log file path
- HTTP client - body temp - path set HTTP client request body temporary storage file path
- HTTP proxy - temp - path Settings stored HTTP proxy temporary file path
- HTTP - fastcgi - temp - path set store HTTP fastcgi temporary file path
-- pid - path Settings nginx. Pid file path
- the lock - path set nginx. Lock file path
- with - openssl enabling SSL
- with - pcre enable regular expressions
- with - http_stub_status_module installation can monitor nginx state module
- with - http_ssl_module enabling SSL support
- with - http_gzip_static_module enable gzip compression

1, create nginx use user
 useradd -s/sbin/nologin -m nginx 

2, add nginx path path nano/etc/profile
 export NGINX_HOME=/soft/nginx 
The export PATH=$PATH: $NGINX_HOME/sbin

After adding remember the source/etc/profile once enabled
3, download decompression skip, in nginx decompression under the installation directory compiled
1), compile configuration parameter
./configure \ 
- user=nginx \
- group=nginx \
-- prefix=/soft/nginx \
- sbin - path=/soft/nginx/sbin/nginx \
- the conf - path=/soft/nginx/nginx. Conf \
- error - log - path=/soft/nginx/log/error log \
- HTTP - log - path=/soft/nginx/log/access. Log \
- HTTP client - body - temp - path=/soft/nginx/TMP/client_body \
- HTTP proxy - temp - path=/soft/nginx/TMP/proxy \
- HTTP - fastcgi - temp - path=/soft/nginx/TMP/fastcgi \
- pid - path=/soft/nginx/run/nginx pid \
- the lock - path=/soft/nginx/lock/subsys/nginx \
- with - http_stub_status_module \
- with - http_ssl_module \
- with - http_gzip_static_module \
- with - pcre \
- with - http_realip_module \
- with - http_sub_module \
- with - stream \
- with - stream=dynamic \
- with - stream_ssl_module \
- with E-mail=dynamic \
- with - mail_ssl_module

2), compile

3), to install
 make install 

4, nginx installation see
 nginx - t 

5, nginx setup module view V must be capitalized
 nginx -v 

6, nginx start

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