Home > front end >  Why obj. The timer does not need to declare can run is not an error?
Why obj. The timer does not need to declare can run is not an error?


<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0" & gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="X - UA - Compatible" content="ie=edge" & gt;
Div {
position: absolute;
Left: 0;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: pink;

Span {
position: absolute;
Left: 0;
Top: 200 px;
display: block;
Width: 150 px;
Height: 150 px;
Background - color: purple;


Xia yuhe & lt;/span>
//slow animation function encapsulation obj target object target location
//1. Let the box every time the distance of moving slowly become smaller, speed can fall down slowly,
//2. The core algorithm: (1) the location of the target - now)/10 as the distance of each move step
//3. Stop condition is: let the current box is equal to the target position, stop the timer
The function the animate (obj, target) {
//clean up before first timers, only keep a timer to execute current
ClearInterval (obj. Timer);
Obj. Timer=setInterval (function () {
//step value into the timer inside
//don't changed our step value to integer decimal problems
//var step=Math. Ceil (target - obj. OffsetLeft/10);
Var step=(target - obj. OffsetLeft)/10;
Step=step & gt; 0? Math. Ceil (step) : Math. Floor (step);
If (obj. OffsetLeft==target) {
//stop animated nature is to stop the timer
ClearInterval (obj. Timer);
//add each 1 this step value to a smaller value slowly step length formula: (1) the location of the target - now)/10
Obj. Style. Left=obj. OffsetLeft + step + 'px';

}, 15);
Var span=document. QuerySelector (" span ");
Var btn500=document. QuerySelector (' btn500 ');
Var btn800=document. QuerySelector (' btn800 ');

Btn500. AddEventListener (' click ', function () {
//function call
The animate (span, 500);
Btn800. AddEventListener (' click ', function () {
//function call
The animate (span, 800);
Animation is it's current position at a constant speed//+ fixed value 10
//slow animation is the value of the current position + change box (the location of the target - now)/10)

CodePudding user response:

When I put the obj. There is no point between the timer into an English casually and statement can run successfully, but the first clear the timer as if it's no effect (if at the same time point btn500, btn800 will appear on both sides of the box to run, just run!)
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