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Django how oracle specified in the HTML page dynamic output database the data in the table


Code table under the name as a parameter passed in, according to the dictionary table all_tab_columns dataTitle dynamic output all the field name as a header, but each table number field is different, how to dynamically generated column?
{% for data1 dataTitle in %}
{{data1.0}} & lt;/th>
{% endfor %}
{% for data2 dataData in %}

{{again}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.1}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.2}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.3}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.4}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.5}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.6}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.7}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.8}} & lt;/td>
{{data2.9}} & lt;/td>

{% endfor %}
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