Home > front end >  Ask bosses, server some websites can use a port open, others can't. Thank you
Ask bosses, server some websites can use a port open, others can't. Thank you


, well, I have a server, use phpsduty + Apache + PHP, put a few websites, in the default only opened the ports 80 and 443, but some domain name can be from any port will open between 8081-8091, such as www.abc.com:8081, www.abc.com:8082, www.abc.com:8083,,,, so has been all is open to any port between 8091, strange is part of the domain name to open, part of the domain name so can't open, how to prohibit the operation, that is to say can only use open ports 80 and 443, the rest of the set to ban opened, thank you

Configuration is as follows:

DocumentRoot "F:/below/ABC"
ServerName www.abc.com
FcgidInitialEnv PHPRC "B:/phpstudy_pro/Extensions/installs are/php5.2.17 NTS"
AddHandler fcgid - script. PHP
FcgidWrapper "B:/phpstudy_pro/Extensions/installs are/php5.2.17 NTS/PHP - cgi. Exe". PHP
CustomLog "B:/phpstudy_pro/Extensions/Apache2.4.39/logs/www.abc.com _acess_ % % m % y d.l og" common
ExpiresActive On
The Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Order to allow a deny
Allow the from all
The Require all granted
DirectoryIndex index. HTML index. PHP
ExpiresByType image/GIF A14400
ExpiresByType image/jpeg A14400
ExpiresByType image/JPG A14400
ExpiresByType image/PNG A14400
ExpiresByType application/x - the rest - flash A2592000
ExpiresByType text/CSS A14400
ExpiresByType application/javascript A14400

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
DeflateCompressionLevel 6
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/HTML text/plain text/XML text/CSS text/javascript application/javascript
AddOutputFilter DEFLATE CSS | js | TXT | | | | RSS XML HTML HTM
The Header append than the user-agent env=! Dont - than
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI. (? : GIF | jpe? G | PNG | BMP | tif | ico | eot | SVG | the vera.ttf | woff) $no - gzip dont - than
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI. (? : exe | t? Gz 7 | z | | zip.bz2 | sit | rar | bin | iso) $no - gzip dont - than
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI. (? : PDF | doc | docx | XLS | XLSX | | PPT PPTX) $no - gzip dont - than
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI. (? : mov | FLV avi | | mp3 | mp4 | rm | webm | ogv) $no - gzip dont - than

ErrorDocument 400/error/400 HTML
ErrorDocument 403/error/403 HTML
ErrorDocument 404/error/404 HTML
ErrorDocument 500/error/500 HTML
ErrorDocument 501/error/501 HTML
ErrorDocument 502/error/502 HTML
ErrorDocument 503/error/503 HTML
ErrorDocument 504/error/504 HTML
ErrorDocument 505/error/505 HTML
ErrorDocument 506/error/506 HTML
ErrorDocument 507/error/507 HTML
ErrorDocument 510/error/510 HTML

CodePudding user response:

The firewall open only the ports that you need to leave the other kept off

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor weixin_43869905 response:
firewall open only the ports that you need to leave the other kept off

8081 ~ 8091 the firewall port is not open yet, I just wonder why such access can also open
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