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Help!!!!!!!!!!! Flash back application problem!!!!!! Which is a great god for help (log as follows)


Log name: Application
Source: the.net Runtime
Date: 2021/1/26 22:30:44
Event ID: 1026
Task categories: no
Error levels:
Key words: classical
Filled by any user:
Computer: odcb BF - 20200601
Application: a3_Forecourt. Exe
Framework version: v4.0.30319
Note: untreated anomaly, process terminates,
Abnormal information: System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlConnection. one rror (System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException, Boolean, System. The Action ` 1 & lt; System. Action>)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlInternalConnection. one rror (System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException, Boolean, System. The Action ` 1 & lt; System. Action>)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParser. ThrowExceptionAndWarning (System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParserStateObject, Boolean, Boolean)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParser. TryRun (System. The Data. SqlClient. RunBehavior, System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlCommand, System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader, System. The Data. SqlClient. BulkCopySimpleResultSet, System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParserStateObject, Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. TryHasMoreRows (Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. TryReadInternal (Boolean, Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. Read ()
In System.Data.Com, mon. Dataadapters. FillLoadDataRow (System) Data. ProviderBase. SchemaMapping)
In System.Data.Com, mon. Dataadapters. FillFromReader (System. Data. The DataSet, System. Data. The DataTable, System. String, System. Data. ProviderBase. DataReaderContainer, Int32, Int32, System. Data. The DataColumn, System. Object)
In System.Data.Com, mon. Dataadapters. The Fill (System. Data. The DataSet, System. String, System. Data. IDataReader, Int32, Int32)
In System.Data.Com, mon. DbDataAdapter. FillInternal (System. Data. The DataSet, System. Data. The DataTable [], Int32, Int32, System. String, System. Data. The IDbCommand, System.Data.Com mandBehavior)
In System.Data.Com, mon. DbDataAdapter. The Fill (System. Data. The DataSet, Int32, Int32, System. String, System. Data. The IDbCommand, System.Data.Com mandBehavior)
In System.Data.Com, mon. DbDataAdapter. The Fill (System. Data. The DataSet)
In Data. DataAccessHelper. DataAccess. ExecuteDataSet (System. String, System.Data.Com mandType, Boolean, System. Data. IDbDataParameter [])
In Data. DataAccessHelper. DataAccess. ExecuteDataSet (System. String, System.Data.Com mandType, System. Data. IDbDataParameter [])
In Data. DataAccessHelper. SqlHelper. ExecuteDataSet (System. String, System.Data.Com mandType, System. Data. IDbDataParameter [])
In Dal. Record_Sql. Record_ListForOilMachineCard System. (String)
In a3_Forecourt. FrmMain. Print_Data3 ()
In the System. The Threading. ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Context (System. Object)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. RunInternal (System) Threading) -- an optional ExecutionContext, System. Threading. ContextCallback, System. Object, Boolean)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (System) Threading) -- an optional ExecutionContext, System. Threading. ContextCallback, System. Object, Boolean)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (System) Threading) -- an optional ExecutionContext, System. Threading. ContextCallback, System. Object)
In the System. The Threading. ThreadHelper. ThreadStart ()

Event Xml:

2 & lt;/Level>
0 & lt;/Task>
0 x80000000000000 & lt;/Keywords>
21400 & lt;/EventRecordID>
BF - 20200601 odcb & lt;/Computer>

Application: a3_Forecourt. Exe
Framework version: v4.0.30319
Note: untreated anomaly, process terminates,
Abnormal information: System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlConnection. one rror (System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException, Boolean, System. The Action ` 1 & amp; lt; System. Action& Gt;)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlInternalConnection. one rror (System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlException, Boolean, System. The Action ` 1 & amp; lt; System. Action& Gt;)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParser. ThrowExceptionAndWarning (System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParserStateObject, Boolean, Boolean)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParser. TryRun (System. The Data. SqlClient. RunBehavior, System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlCommand, System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader, System. The Data. SqlClient. BulkCopySimpleResultSet, System. The Data. SqlClient. TdsParserStateObject, Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. TryHasMoreRows (Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. TryReadInternal (Boolean, Boolean ByRef)
In the System. The Data. SqlClient. SqlDataReader. Read ()
In System.Data.Com, mon. Dataadapters. FillLoadDataRow (System) Data. ProviderBase. SchemaMapping)
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