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Nailing open platform, I made a test, the result error: "service unavailable", what reason


On the server API, intelligent workflow - - create or update their own workflow approval template:

IDingTalkClient client=new DefaultDingTalkClient (" https://oapi.dingtalk.com/topapi/process/save ");
OapiProcessSaveRequest the req=new OapiProcessSaveRequest ();
OapiProcessSaveRequest. SaveProcessRequestDomain obj1=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. SaveProcessRequestDomain ();
Obj1. Agentid=longAgentID;
Obj1. ProcessCode=strProcessCode; Approval only one template code "//"
Obj1. DisableStopProcessButton=true;
Obj1. Name="approval template Name";
Obj1. The Description="Description";
List List3=new List (a);
OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentVoDomain obj4=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentVoDomain ();
List3. Add (obj4);
Obj4.Com ponentName="component_name";
OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentPropVoDomain obj5=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentPropVoDomain ();
Obj5. Id="222";
Obj5. Label="single input box";
Obj4. Props=obj5;
ListOapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentVo2Domain obj11=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentVo2Domain ();
List10. Add (obj11);
Obj11.Com ponentName="form name";
OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentPropVoDomain obj12=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. FormComponentPropVoDomain ();
Obj12. Id="444";
Obj12. Label="form name";
Obj12. Required=true;//is required;
Obj11. Props=obj12;
Obj4. Children=list10;
Obj1. FormComponentList=list3;
Obj1. FakeMode=false;//said without a process template;
OapiProcessSaveRequest. ProcessConfigDomain obj13=new OapiProcessSaveRequest. ProcessConfigDomain ();

The req. SaveProcessRequest_=obj1;

OapiProcessSaveResponse RSP=client. The Execute (the req, access_token);
This. The TextBox1. Text=RSP. Body;

I am using c #, calls the result is:
{" errcode ": 15," sub_code ":" isp. - 1 ", "sub_msg" : "service unavailable", "errmsg" : "Remote service error [subcode=isp. 1, submsg=service unavailable]", "request_id" : "hexa6yxrunvl}"
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