The following instructions look not to understand?
Use the
1. The reference DMSkin. WPF. DLL
2. The Window inheritance is amended as: MainWindow: DMSkinWindow
3. Add references: XMLNS: DMSkin="CLR - namespace: DMSkin. WPF; The assembly=DMSkin. WPF
"4. The XAML inheritance is amended as: DMSkin: DMSkinWindow x:
Foreground="White"//the Foreground
Background="White"//Background color
DMShowMin="True"//display system button - minimize
DMShowMax="True"//display system button - to maximize
DMShowClose="True"//display system button - shut down
DMWindowShadowSize border="10"//form shadow size
DMWindowShadowColor="# FFC8C8C8"//window frame shadow color
DMWindowShadowDragVisibility="False"//form is displayed when dragging the shadow layer
DMWindowShadowVisibility="False"//form if there is a shadow layer [close the shadow layer]
DMWindowShadowBackColor="# FF323CAD"//shadow background color, choose as the main form of similar color stretch to drag the user experience better | # FF323CAD for blue
DMSystemButtonSize="50"//system button size
DMSystemButtonForeground="# FF666666"//system button color [text]
DMSystemButtonHoverColor="# 33000000" button of the mouse suspension//system/background color
DMSystemButtonHoverForeground="White" button of the mouse suspension [text]//system color
DMSystemButtonCloseHoverColor="Red"//system [closed] button on the mouse suspension (background) color - the default is Red
DMSystemButtonShadowEffect="0" button//system's shadow size
ResizeMode="CanResize"//frame drawing scheme CanResiz and CanResizeWithGrip
Height="700" Width="1000"/form/size
MinHeight="268" MinWidth="360"//form maximum and minimum attribute
WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"//form initial position DMMetroBorderColor border color="# FFC8C8C8"//form - Metro only effective - 2.0 remove
DMMetroBorderSize="1"//frame size - Metro only effective - 2.0 remove
DMWindow="Shadow"//Shadow - a Shadow model Metro - line flat - 2.0 remove the resource reference