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Novice WPF DMSkin how to use ah, don't get?


Is there a teacher say next steps in detail, how to reference, how to realize the form effect, thank you!!!!!!
The following instructions look not to understand?

Use the
1. The reference DMSkin. WPF. DLL
2. The Window inheritance is amended as: MainWindow: DMSkinWindow
3. Add references: XMLNS: DMSkin="CLR - namespace: DMSkin. WPF; The assembly=DMSkin. WPF
"4. The XAML inheritance is amended as: DMSkin: DMSkinWindow x:

Foreground="White"//the Foreground
Background="White"//Background color
DMShowMin="True"//display system button - minimize
DMShowMax="True"//display system button - to maximize
DMShowClose="True"//display system button - shut down
DMWindowShadowSize border="10"//form shadow size
DMWindowShadowColor="# FFC8C8C8"//window frame shadow color
DMWindowShadowDragVisibility="False"//form is displayed when dragging the shadow layer
DMWindowShadowVisibility="False"//form if there is a shadow layer [close the shadow layer]
DMWindowShadowBackColor="# FF323CAD"//shadow background color, choose as the main form of similar color stretch to drag the user experience better | # FF323CAD for blue
DMSystemButtonSize="50"//system button size
DMSystemButtonForeground="# FF666666"//system button color [text]
DMSystemButtonHoverColor="# 33000000" button of the mouse suspension//system/background color
DMSystemButtonHoverForeground="White" button of the mouse suspension [text]//system color
DMSystemButtonCloseHoverColor="Red"//system [closed] button on the mouse suspension (background) color - the default is Red
DMSystemButtonShadowEffect="0" button//system's shadow size
ResizeMode="CanResize"//frame drawing scheme CanResiz and CanResizeWithGrip
Height="700" Width="1000"/form/size
MinHeight="268" MinWidth="360"//form maximum and minimum attribute
WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"//form initial position DMMetroBorderColor border color="# FFC8C8C8"//form - Metro only effective - 2.0 remove
DMMetroBorderSize="1"//frame size - Metro only effective - 2.0 remove
DMWindow="Shadow"//Shadow - a Shadow model Metro - line flat - 2.0 remove the resource reference

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