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C # call PB create com component DLL anomalies from HRESULT: 0 xffffdf80


C # call create com components add decryption pb, pb code for encryption function in dynamic library reference, appear the following error:
Untreated Exception System.Runtime.InteropServices.COM
ErrorCode=- 8320
HResult=- 8320
Message=exceptions from HRESULT: 0 xffffdf80
In codehelper. In_codehelper. Gf_decodekey (String vs_code)
In ItYesPacsWorkStation. FrmLogin. BtnOK_Click (Object sender, EventArgs e) position e: \ ItYesPacs \ ItYesPacsWorkStation \ frmLogin cs: line number 196
In the System. Windows. Forms. Control. The OnClick (EventArgs e)
In the Sunny. UI. UIButton. OnClick (EventArgs e)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Control. WmMouseUp (Message& M, MouseButtons button, Int32 on)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Control. WndProc (Message& M)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Control. ControlNativeWindow. OnMessage (Message& M)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Control. ControlNativeWindow. WndProc (Message& M)
In the System. Windows. Forms. NativeWindow. DebuggableCallback (IntPtr hWnd, Int32 MSG, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
In the System. Windows. Forms. UnsafeNativeMethods. DispatchMessageW (MSG& MSG)
On the System.Windows.Forms.Application.Com ponentManager. System. Windows. Forms. UnsafeNativeMethods. IMsoComponentManager. FPushMessageLoop (IntPtr dwComponentID, Int32 reason, Int32 pvLoopData)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Application. ThreadContext. RunMessageLoopInner (Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Application. ThreadContext. RunMessageLoop (Int32 reason, ApplicationContext context)
In the System. Windows. Forms. Application. The Run (Form mainForm)
Position in ItYesPacsWorkStation. The Program. The Main () E: \ ItYesPacs \ ItYesPacsWorkStation \ Program cs: line number 30
In the System. The AppDomain. _nExecuteAssembly (RuntimeAssembly assembly, String [] args)
In the System. The AppDomain. ExecuteAssembly (String assemblyFile, Evidence assemblySecurity, String [] args)
In Microsoft. VisualStudio. HostingProcess. HostProc. RunUsersAssembly ()
In the System. The Threading. ThreadHelper. ThreadStart_Context (Object state)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. RunInternal (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
In the System. The Threading. -- an optional ExecutionContext. Run (-- an optional ExecutionContext -- an optional ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, the Object state)
In the System. The Threading. ThreadHelper. ThreadStart ()
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