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FileStream excuse me is always a hard, just out of abnormal, how to change?


Very simple interface, a picture box and a button, an open file dialog box, click the button pop-up dialog box, select a picture to load the picture box, and then want to read the file header information, total at this exception, how to do?
Private void button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult Dr=openFileDialog1. ShowDialog (this);
If (Dr==DialogResult. OK)
PictureBox1. Image=Image. FromFile (openFileDialog1 FileName);
FileStream fs=new FileStream (openFileDialog1. The FileName, FileMode. Open);//an unusual
BinaryReader br=new BinaryReader (fs);
Catch Exception (err)
MessageBox. Show (err. Message);

This is the interface

This is an error message box
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