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Asp.net easyui loading problem of the page


If a page is loaded, click another page, and then point to go back to the first page, there will be the first page load is not complete, other times are normal) (as shown in figure:

How to solve this problem, the code:
//form binding
$(function () {
$(' # 'tt). The datagrid ({
Url: '/the UserInfo GetUserInfoList,
Width: window screen width - 218,/* document. Body. ClientWidth */
FitColumns: true,//column adaptive
Nowrap: false,
Pagination: true, if there is a paging//
SingleSelect: false,//whether single-line select
Rownumbers: true, no.//whether the lines
IdField: 'FLD_ID',//primary key columns list
LoadMsg: 'being loaded user information... '
PageSize: 15,//page size, page article how much data
PageNumber: 1,//the current page, the default
PageList: [15, 30, 45, 60],
QueryParams: pars,//to the backstage pass parameters
The columns: [[
{field: 'FLD_NAME', the title: 'user name', width: 120},
{field: 'FLD_COMPANY', the title: 'department', width: 120},
{field: 'FLD_MOBILE', the title: 'call', width: 120},
{field: 'FLD_MEMO', the title: 'remarks', width: 120},

@ the using (Ajax. BeginForm (" AddUserInfo ", "the UserInfo", new {}, new AjaxOptions () {HttpMethod="post", OnSuccess="afterAdd}", new {id="addForm"}))

The user name & lt;/td>
Department & lt;/td>
Telephone & lt;/td>
Password & lt;/td>
Confirm password & lt;/td>
Note & lt;/td>


CodePudding user response:

It is ok, to control the width of the specified

CodePudding user response:

The height of the datagrid is not correct, the activation page after the resize it
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