Home > Net >  The Entity Framework 6. X realize linkage count and group by SQL query
The Entity Framework 6. X realize linkage count and group by SQL query


Has the following SQL statement:
The select p.B ranjobId
, p.J obno
The SAN Antonio obna
, p.P lanqty
, jobqty=count (p.J obno)
, lackqty=p.P lanqty - count (p.J obno)
, Overtime=sum (p.O vertime)

The from BranJob p
Inner join JobSet c on p.j obno=SAN Antonio obno
Where p.B ranno=@ branno

Group by p.B ranjobId, p.J obno, SAN Antonio obna, p.P lanqty

Consult a great god, and how to implement written in EF method to realize it?

BranJob and JobSet entity existing mapping relation,

CodePudding user response:

Seems to get out, test results do not have what problem, also don't know is there the possibility of tuning,
Public static DataTable GetBranjob (string branno)
Using (CusProContext db=new CusProContext ())
Var BranjobObj=(from p in the db. BranJob
Where p.B ranno==branno
Join a db in JobSet on p.J obno equals a. obno
Select new
P.B ranjobId,
P.J obno,
A. obna,
P.P lanqty,
P.O vertime

Into x
Group x by new
X.B ranjobId,
X.J obno,
X.J obna,
X.P lanqty,
X.o. vertime

Into y
Select new
Y.K ey BranjobId,
Y.K. Ey Jobno,//position number
Y.K ey Jobna,//job title
Y.K ey Planqty,//the number of personnel allocation
Jobqty=y.C mount (),//actual number
Lackqty=y.K ey. Planqty - y.C mount (),//defective number
Overtime=y.S um (s=& gt; S.O vertime)//fixed overtime hours
}). ToList ();

Return LinqToDataTable (BranjobObj);
The catch (Exception ex)
Throw the ex.

Tracking results:
The exec sp_executesql N 'SELECT
[GroupBy1]. [K1] AS [BranjobId],
[GroupBy1]. [K2] AS [Jobno],
[GroupBy1]. [K5] AS [Jobna],
[GroupBy1]. [K3] AS [Planqty],
[GroupBy1]. [A1] AS [C1],
[GroupBy1]. [K3] - [GroupBy1] [A2] AS [C2],
[GroupBy1]. [A3] AS [C3]
[Extent1]. [BranjobId] AS [K1],
[Extent1]. [Jobno] AS [K2],
[Extent1]. [Planqty] AS [K3],
[Extent1]. [Overtime] AS [K4],
[Extent2]. [Jobna] AS [K5],
COUNT (1) the AS [A1],
COUNT (1) the AS [A2],
The SUM ([Extent1]. [Overtime]) AS [A3]
The FROM [dbo] [BranJob] AS [Extent1]
INNER JOIN [dbo] [JobSet] AS [Extent2] ON [Extent1] [Jobno]=[Extent2] [Jobno]
WHERE [Extent1] [Branno]=@ p__linq__0
GROUP BY [Extent1] [BranjobId], [Extent1]. [Jobno], [Extent1]. [Planqty], [Extent1]. [Overtime], [Extent2]. [Jobna]
) AS [GroupBy1] ', N '@ p__linq__0 nvarchar (4000),' @ p__linq__0=N '009'

The output is correct, just feel like low efficiency from many, feel less direct SQL statement execution performance,
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