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Legend written script to detect command of (common commands)


Legendary detection command of
-- -- -- -- -- - common commands -- -- -- -- --
# IF; If
# SAY; The output string
# ACT; Execute the command
Break; The end of the command
The close; The end of the conversation
Conditions command -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- --
CHECKITEM item name number; By testing the current items and quantity
CHECKGOLD number; By testing the current belt gold quantity
CHECKLEVELEX (& gt; ,<=) rank number; Test the current character level
CHECKCREDITPOINT (& gt; ,<, number of=) reputation; Testing the current figures reputation
CHECKJOB (Warrior, Wizard, Taoist); Test the current character belongs to professional
CHECKHUM map name number; Tests specified map
the number of playersCHECKITEMW item name number; To test whether the current characters wear specified items
CHECKDURAEVA items of value; By testing the current with the quality of the goods such as mineral
CHECKBAGGAGE; To test whether the current character's backpack is full
ONLINELONGMIN (& gt; ,<,=) long. Testing the current character online time
CHECKCASTLEDOOR (damaged, open and closed); To detect the state shacheng gate
CASTLEWARAY (& gt; ,<=) days; Test last siege to the number of days now
CASTLECHANGEDAY (& gt; ,<=) days; Detect shabak occupation number
CHECKOFGUILD guild name; Detect the characters' guild name
CHECKNAMELIST role list. TXT. To test whether the current characters of the list
List CHECKGUILDLIST guild. TXT. To test whether the current characters' guild in the list
CHECKACCOUNTLIST account list. TXT. To test whether current character account in the list
CHECKIPLIST IP list. TXT. To test whether the current character IP in the list
CHECKACCOUNTIPLIST account and IP list. TXT. To test whether the current character login account and IP and matching list
CHECKNAMEIPLIST role name and IP list. TXT. To test whether the current character name and IP and matching list
ISADMIN; To test whether the current figures for administrator
HAVEGUILD; To test whether the current character to join guild
ISCASTLEGUILD; To test whether the current figures for shacheng members
ISCASTLEMASTER; To test whether the current figures for shacheng boss
ISGUILDMASTER; To test whether the current figures for the guild leader
ISNEWHUMAN; To test whether the current figures for
CHECKSLAVECOUNT (& gt; ,<, the number=); By testing the current number of pets
CHECKSLAVELEVEL (& gt; ,<, number of=) level (7); Detect the level of the current pet by the characters
CHECKEXP (& gt; ,<=) experience value; Test the current characters experience value
CHECKPOSELEVEL (& gt; ,<=) rank number; Test the current figures across the character's level
CHECKPOSEGENDER gender (male, female); Testing the current gender opposite characters,
CHECKMEMBERLEVEL type (& gt; ,<=) rank number; Testing the current character of membership grade
CHECKMEMBERTYPE (=, & gt; , & lt;) Type number; Testing the current character of member type
CHECKRENEWLEVEL (=, & gt; , & lt;) Metempsychosis number; The number of testing the current character of metempsychosis
CheckBagSize number; Test the current character backpack space number
CHECKDC (=, & gt; , & lt;) Lower limit (=, & gt; , & lt;) Limits of attack; Detect the current character damage the upper limit and lower limit of
CHECKMC (=, & gt; , & lt;) Magic floor (=, & gt; , & lt;) Magic ceiling; Testing the current character of mana upper limit and lower limit
CHECKSC (=, & gt; , & lt;) Magical power limit (=, & gt; , & lt;) Magical power limit; Detect the current character doctrine force of the upper limit and lower limit value
CHECKHP (=, & gt; , & lt;) HP lower limit (=, & gt; , & lt;) HP ceiling; Detection current HP value characters of upper limit and lower limit value
CHECKMP (=, & gt; , & lt;) MP threshold (=, & gt; , & lt;) MP ceiling; Detect the current character MP values of upper limit and lower limit value
CHECKUSEITEM where things; Testing the current figures specified location whether wearing items
Item type CHECKITEMTYPE where things; Testing the current figures specified location whether wear item for the specified type
CHECKGAMEPOINT dynamic value; Detect the current character dynamic value
ISLOCKPASSWORD; Check whether the warehouse of the current character unlocked
PASSWORDERRORCOUNT (=, & gt; , & lt;) Number of times. Detect the current character input warehouse password error count
CheckRangeMonCount map X Y range (=, & gt; , & lt;) The number of; Testing a coordinate range monster number
CheckMonMap map number; Number of monsters detection within a specified map
CHECKMON number; Testing the current figure is the number of monsters in map
CHECKSKILL skill name (=, & gt; , & lt;) Uniting the level; Testing the current character has to learn skills
-- -- -- -- -- - function command -- -- -- -- --
The MAP MAP; The current characters moved to the specified map
MOVEMAP map of X Y; The current figures moved to the specified coordinates to the specified map
TIMERECALL time value; Specify how long the current figures to get after be back here
BREAKTIMERECALL; Interrupt specifies the characters of how much time is passed back here after
RECALLMOB monster baby name grade (7) is the highest defect time (minutes) automatically change color (0, 1) fixed color (1-7); Given the current characters specified monsters for baby
Setautogetexp command time experience whether safety zone (0) for any place map (please don't fill in any maps); Specify the current character online bubble experience (directly by experience)
GAMEGOLD number (=, +, -); Adjust the current number of wing characters
SETRANKLEVELNAME titles; Adjust the current character of titles
List ADDGUILDLIST guild. TXT. The current character join guild name list
List DELGUILDLIST guild. TXT. The current characters' guild name removed from the list
ADLNAMELIST role list. TXT. Add the current character name list
DELNAMELIST role list. TXT. The current character name from the list of deleted
CLEARNAMELIST list. TXT. Remove all of the information in list
HAIRSTYLE numerical; Adjust the current character hair
CHANGENAMECOLOR numerical; The name of the adjustment of the current character color
CHANGEJOB professional name (Warrior, Wizard, Taoist); Changes to the current character belongs to
CHANGEGENDER numerical; Adjust the current character belongs to gender
ADDSKILL name skills level; Given the current characters add specific skill
Name of DELSKILL skills; Delete the current characters specified skills
SKILLLEVEL skill name (=, +, -) skill level; Adjust the current characters specified skills for a given level
DELNOJOBSKILL; Delete all the current character of the professional skills
CLEARSKILL; Delete the current character of all skills
GAMEPOINT number (=, +, -); Adjust the current character of dynamic value
CREDITPOINT number (=, +, -); The popularity of the adjustment of the current character points
SETMEMBERLEVEL (=, +, -) level number; Adjust the current character of membership grade
SETMEMBERTYPE (=, +, -) level number; Adjust the current character of member type
CHANGELEVEL (=, +, -) level number; The level of adjustment of the current character
CHANGEPKPOINT (=, +, -) points; Adjust the current character of PK points
CHANGEEXP (=, +, -) experience value; Adjust the current character of experience value
CHANGEMODE mode type (1 management mode, 2 invincible mode, 3 stealth mode) switch (1, 0 is off); Adjust the current character of game mode
CHANGEPERMISSION access level; Adjust the current character level of permissions
KILLMONEXPRATE ratio time effectively; Adjust the current character of monsters experience ratio
POWERRATE ratio time effectively; Adjust the current character of damage rate
KICK; The current characters play offline
KILL numerical; Will kill the current figures, and set the kill type
KILLSLAVE; The current character baby kill all
CLEARPASSWORD; Remove the current character of warehouse password
RestRenewLevel; The character of metempsychosis times is reset to zero, i.e. not metempsychosis
DELMARRY; Remove the current character of marriage information
DELMASTER; Remove the current character information from master
After RENEWLEVEL turn times turn level 0; The current character metempsychosis, and after a set number of metempsychosis and reincarnate character level to level how much
SENDMSG information type code % s % d information content; Send text messages to
CLEARMAPMON map; Clear all the monsters in specified map
RESTBONUSPOINT; Clear the current character of attribute points
PARAM1 map; NPC specified brush strange map
Abscissa PARAM2; NPC brush strange X coordinate
PARAM3 ordinate. NPC brush blame Y
MONGEN monster name number time; NPC brush strange command + number + time + monster
Defining variables -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
The RANDOM RANDOM number; Commonly used as a trigger in the # IF statement # IF chance
EQUAL variable name values; Detect whether variable is equal to the specified value
LARGE variable name values; Detect whether variable is greater than the specified value
SMALL variable name values; Test whether variables are less than a specified value
MOV variable name values; To assign to the specified value
INC., a variable name values; Give variables with specified values
DEC variable name values; Given variable minus the specified values
The SUM variable name A variable name B; Add those two variables
MOVR numerical; Variables are less than a specified value, given the random non-negative Numbers
& lt; $STR (variable) & gt; ; The variable to the string
The SET [variable name] value; Define variables
RESET [variable name] consecutive Numbers; Continuous variable reset
CHECK/variable numerical value; Detect whether variable is equal to the specified value
& lt; $USERNAME> ; Character name
& lt; $GUILDNAME> ; Guild name
& lt; $RANKNAME> ; Guild titles
& lt; $LEVEL> ; Level
& lt; $HP> ; Life value
& lt; $AC> ; Defense
& lt; $MAXAC> ; The supreme defense
& lt; $MAC> ; Magic defense
& lt; $MAXMAC> ; The highest magic defense
& lt; $DC> ; Physical damage
& lt; $MAXDC> ; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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