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Create a forward agent middleware a piece of code don't quite understand, expert help explain.


 public class ProxyMiddleware 
//private ProxyHttpClient _proxyHttpClient;
Private const string CDN_HEADER_NAME="cache-control";
NotForwardedHttpHeaders=new private static readonly string [] [] {" Connection ", "the Host"};////Http header files used in the two attributes in the following code, the two state attribute is what meaning, if there are no these two properties in a header file, represent what meaning?
Private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
Private readonly ILogger _logger;

Public ProxyMiddleware (
RequestDelegate next,
ILogger The logger


///& lt; Summary>
///by middleware, intercept access, detection prefix, and forward
///& lt;/summary>
///& lt; Param name="context" & gt;
///& lt; Param name="urlRewriter & gt;"
///& lt; Returns>
Public async Task Invoke (HttpContext context, IUrlRewriter urlRewriter, ProxyHttpClient ProxyHttpClient)
Var targetUri=await urlRewriter. RewriteUri (context);

If (targetUri!=null)
Var requestMessage=GenerateProxifiedRequest (context, targetUri);
Await SendAsync (context, requestMessage proxyHttpClient);


Await _next (context);

Private async Task SendAsync (HttpContext context, HttpRequestMessage requestMessage, ProxyHttpClient ProxyHttpClient)

Using (var responseMessage=await proxyHttpClient. Client. SendAsync (requestMessage, HttpCompletionOption ResponseHeadersRead, context, RequestAborted))
The context. The Response. StatusCode=(int) responseMessage. StatusCode;

Foreach (var header in responseMessage. Headers)
Context, the Response Headers [header. Key]=header. The Value. The ToArray ();

Foreach (var header in responseMessage content. Headers)
Context, the Response Headers [header. Key]=header. The Value. The ToArray ();

The context, the Response Headers. Remove (" transfer - the encoding ");

if (! The context, the Response Headers. Either ContainsKey (CDN_HEADER_NAME))
The context, the Response Headers. The Add (CDN_HEADER_NAME, "no - the cache, the no - the store");

Await responseMessage. Content. CopyToAsync (context. The Response. The Body);

Private static HttpRequestMessage GenerateProxifiedRequest (HttpContext context, Uri targetUri)
Var requestMessage=new HttpRequestMessage ();
CopyRequestContentAndHeaders (context, requestMessage);
RequestMessage. RequestUri=targetUri;
RequestMessage. Headers. Host=targetUri. Host;
RequestMessage. Method=GetMethod (context) Request) Method).
Return requestMessage;

Private static void CopyRequestContentAndHeaders (HttpContext context, HttpRequestMessage requestMessage)
Var requestMethod=context. Request. Method;
if (! HttpMethods. IsGet (requestMethod) & amp; &
! HttpMethods. IsHead (requestMethod) & amp; &
! HttpMethods. IsDelete (requestMethod) & amp; &
! HttpMethods. IsTrace (requestMethod))
Var streamContent=new streamContent (context. Request. Body);
RequestMessage. The Content=streamContent;

Foreach (var header in the context, the Request Headers)
if (! NotForwardedHttpHeaders. The Contains (header. Key))////Http header file these two properties (connection, the Host) state of the two attributes is what meaning, if there are no these two properties in a header file, represent what meaning?
If (header. The Key!="the user-agent")//////the judgment, what does that mean?
if (! RequestMessage. Headers. TryAddWithoutValidation (header. The Key, the header. The Value. ToArray ()) & amp; & RequestMessage. The Content!=null)
RequestMessage. The Content? . Headers. TryAddWithoutValidation (header. The Key, the header. The Value. ToArray ());
The else
String userAgent=header. The Value. The Count & gt; 0? (the header. The Value [0] + "" + context. TraceIdentifier) : string. The Empty;

if (! RequestMessage. Headers. TryAddWithoutValidation (header. The Key, the userAgent) & amp; & RequestMessage. The Content!=null)
RequestMessage. The Content? . Headers. TryAddWithoutValidation (header. The Key, the userAgent);////in the main file attributes are more the size attribute, the head of attributes and what meaning, please combined with code to help explain,


Private static HttpMethod GetMethod (string method)
If (HttpMethods IsDelete (method)) return HttpMethod. Delete;
If (HttpMethods IsGet (method)) return HttpMethod. Get;
If (HttpMethods IsHead (method)) return HttpMethod. Head;
If (HttpMethods IsOptions (method)) return HttpMethod. The Options;
If (HttpMethods IsPost (method)) return HttpMethod. Post;
If (HttpMethods IsPut (method)) return HttpMethod. Put;
If (HttpMethods IsTrace (method)) return HttpMethod. Trace;
Return new HttpMethod (method);

CodePudding user response:

NotForwardedHttpHeaders=new private static readonly string [] [] {" Connection ", "the Host"};////Http header files used in the two attributes in the following code, the two state attribute is what meaning, if there are no these two properties in a header file, represent what meaning?

CodePudding user response:

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