CodePudding user response:
you mean XHR response results?
Quote: refer to 1st floor yangliu0512 response: You mean the XHR response results? yes
You mean the XHR response results?
internal String Get (String url) {if (! String. IsNullOrEmpty (Url)) {WebClient web=new WebClient (); Byte [] rs=web. DownloadData (url); Try {Return. Encoding UTF8. Get string (UnZip (rs)); } the catch (Exception ex) {//throw new Exception (ex. Message); } } String. The Empty; } ///& lt; Summary> //////& lt;/summary> ///& lt; Param name="packageBytes & gt;" ///& lt; Returns> Internal Byte [] UnZip (Byte [] packageBytes) {Try {Using (GZipStream gzip=new GZipStream (new MemoryStream (packageBytes), CompressionMode. Decompress)) {Using (MemoryStream msTemp=new MemoryStream ()) {int count=0; Byte [] buffe=new byte [1024]. While ((count=gzip. Read (buffe, 0, buffe. Length)) & gt; 0) {MsTemp. Write (buffe, 0, count); } Return msTemp. ToArray (); } } } catch {Return packageBytes; } }
how to use the python access to the inside of the network name?? ,
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