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This is where the problem? Very tight?


Public class Factry
Public string Miner_address {get; set; }
Public string PledgeFactory {get; set; }


Public ActionResult GetFactory (string userid, string pass)

The DataTable dt.
Factry Umm=new Factry ();

If (checkname (userid, pass))

If (connopen ())

String ls_string="select pool_address_gf, PledgeFactory from configtb";



Dt=DataSet_out_ (ls_string);



Umm. Miner_address=null;
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;
Return Umm.


if (! The Convert. IsDBNull (dt))


If (dt) Rows) Count!=0)
If (dt) Rows [0] [0]==null)

Umm. Miner_address=null;

The else
If (dt) Rows [0] [0]. The ToString ()=="")
Umm. Miner_address=null;

The else
Umm. Miner_address=dt. Rows [0] [0]. The ToString ();



If (dt) Rows [0] [1]==null)
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;

The else
If (dt) Rows [0] [1]. The ToString ()=="")
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;

The else
Umm. PledgeFactory=dt. Rows [0] [1]. The ToString ();



The else

Umm. Miner_address=null;
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;


The else

Umm. Miner_address=null;
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;


The else

Umm. Miner_address=null;
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;


The else

Umm. Miner_address=null;
Umm. PledgeFactory=null;


Return Umm.


Today the console returning an error is as follows:
Fail: Microsoft AspNetCore. Diagnostics. DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware [1]
An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request.
System. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an Object.
The at smartx. Controllers. ValuesController. GetFactory (String userid, String pass)
At lambda_method (Closure, the Object, the Object [])
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ActionMethodExecutor. SyncObjectResultExecutor. Execute (IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, the Object controller, Object [] the arguments)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeActionMethodAsync ()
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. Next (State& Next, Scope& The scope, Object& The state, Boolean& IsCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeNextActionFilterAsync ()
- the End of the stack trace from previous location where the exception was thrown -- -- --
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. Rethrow (ActionExecutedContextSealed context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. Next (State& Next, Scope& The scope, Object& The state, Boolean& IsCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ControllerActionInvoker. InvokeInnerFilterAsync ()
- the End of the stack trace from previous location where the exception was thrown -- -- --
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. & lt; InvokeFilterPipelineAsync> 19 _0 g__Awaited | (ResourceInvoker invoker, Task lastTask, State next, and the Scope the Scope, Object State, Boolean isCompleted)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Mvc. Proceeds. ResourceInvoker. & lt; InvokeAsync> G__Awaited | 17 _0 (ResourceInvoker invoker, Task Task, IDisposable scope)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Routing. EndpointMiddleware. & lt; Invoke> G__AwaitRequestTask | 6 _0 (Endpoint Endpoint, Task requestTask, ILogger logger)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Authorization. AuthorizationMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)
At Microsoft. AspNetCore. Diagnostics. DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware. Invoke (HttpContext context)

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