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C # called dynamic link library DLL C structure


C # project need to invoke the c + + dynamic link library DLL functions:
Char SetPar (char * P, long size)
P: parameter
Size: length parameter
Returns: 1 -> success, 0 - failure, busy - 1 ->

I write c # :
//define structure
[StructLayout (LayoutKind. Sequential)]
Public struct Par
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType ByValArray, SizeConst=2)]
Public byte [] aa;
Public byte bb;
Public float cc.
[MarshalAs (UnmanagedType ByValArray, SizeConst=2)]
Public Int32 [] dd.
Referenced DLL
[DllImport (" TEST. DLL EntryPoint="SetPar CallingConvention=CallingConvention. Cdecl)]
Public extern static int SetPar (Par par1, long size);

The function
Private void btnSetPa_Click (object sender, EventArgs e)
Int ret=1;
Par P=new Par ();
P.a a=new byte (2);
P.a a [0]=1;
P.a a [1]=1;
P.b b=1;
P.c c=2.0;
Conviction yourself d=new byte (8);
Conviction yourself d [0]=1000;
Conviction yourself d [1]=200;
Int num=sizeof ()
Ret=SetParameter (PTR, 15);
The switch (ret)
Case 1:
MSG="parameter Settings success!" ;
Case 0:
MSG="parameter Settings failed!" ;
Case 1:
MSG="system is busy! The \ r \ n ";
MSG="unknown error! The \ r \ n ";
TxtInfo. Text=MSG;
According to the above method and can return 1, but there is no pass parameters in (use getPar out parameters, found no changes in parameters).

Public extern static int SetPar (ref Par par1, long size);

Ret=SetParameter (ref PTR, 15);

Parameter can pass, but returned an unknown error,
How great god is this to return a responsibility excuse me? C # call c + + pointer function always don't understand ~
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