Home > Net >  OLEDB is used to derive the datatable to MDB files, some lost
OLEDB is used to derive the datatable to MDB files, some lost


This is the data in the datagridview

This is export MDB file, you can see the red box in the figure above lines,

I don't know what circumstance can appear this problem, but not every export has a problem, ask bosses help have a look, thanks a lot,
Use the code:
 private void datatableToMdb (string FileFullName) 
//Import the datatable into the table in the MDB file
String strCon="Provider=Microsoft. Ace. The OLEDB. 12.0; Data Source="+ FileFullName;
OleDbConnection myConn=new OleDbConnection (strCon);
MyConn. The Open ();
String name="TS_Tags";//table name
String SQL="create table" + name;
String tableAttribute="";
The DataTable dt=clsGVar. DtTag;//the name of the datatable
for (int i=0; I & lt; Dt. Columns. The Count; I++)
TableAttribute=tableAttribute + dt. The Columns [I] ColumnName + "" + getType (dt) Columns [I] DataType. The ToString ());
If (I & lt; Dt. Columns. The Count - 1)
TableAttribute +=", ";
SQL=SQL + "(" + tableAttribute +"); ";
OleDbCommand CMD=new OleDbCommand (SQL, myConn);
CMD. ExecuteNonQuery ();
String strCom=the string. Format (" select * from {0} ", name);
OleDbDataAdapter da=new OleDbDataAdapter (strCom myConn);
OleDbCommandBuilder cb=new OleDbCommandBuilder (da)
QuoteSuffix="] "
The DataSet midData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/new DataSet ();
Da. The Fill (midData, name);
Foreach (DataRow dR in dt. Rows)
DataRow Dr=midData. Tables [name] NewRow ();
Dr. ItemArray=Dr. ItemArray;
MidData. Tables [name]. Rows. The Add (Dr);
Da. Update (midData, name);
MyConn. Close ();
The catch (Exception ex)
Ex. The ToString ();
The finally
MyConn. Close ();
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