Home > Net >  GBase ADO.NET to create a database connection
GBase ADO.NET to create a database connection


Environment to prepare 1
Install Visual Studio
According to. NETFrameWork version download corresponding 8 a database driven
Install the driver for the corresponding DLL file
2 in VS new c # console project, right-click on the project name on the right side add references by browsing for the DLL file
3 this sample code USES the connection string by GBaseConnection class to create a connection object, to open the connection, close the connection,

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Using System. Linq;
using System.Text;
Using GBase. Data;//add GBase related reference
Using GBase. Data. GBaseClient;//add GBase related reference

The namespace UsingAdoNet
Class Program
The static void Main (string [] args)
GBaseConnection _Conn=new GBaseConnection ();
//set the connection parameters, pay attention to the IP, user name and password, and database needs to be consistent with their own server
_Conn. The ConnectionString="server=; User id=gbase; Password=gbasegbase; The database=test; Port=5258; Pooling=false ";
//get connection
_Conn. The Open ();
Console. WriteLine (" connection success ");
The catch (GBaseException ex)
//output related exceptions information
Console. WriteLine (ex. ToString ());
The finally
If (_Conn!=null) _Conn. Close ();
//close the connection
Console. WriteLine (" closed success ");

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