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Java des encryption algorithm is converted into c #


Is there a way to following this piece of Java code, converted into c # code?

Tried several times through,,,

Package com. The demo;

The import javax.mail. Crypto. Cipher;
The import javax.mail. Crypto. KeyGenerator;
Import the Java. Security. The Key;
Import the Java. Security. SecureRandom;

Public class Arithmetic {

The static Key Key;
Public static final String DEFAULT_SECRET_KEY="% 2 $RFV qaz3wsx3edc TGB ^ YHN& UJMasdgf3asdwe3qws1233gawe ";
The static {

Public static Key getKey (String strKey) {
Try {
KeyGenerator _generator=KeyGenerator. GetInstance (" DES ");
_generator. Init (new SecureRandom (strKey getBytes ()));
Key=_generator. GenerateKey ();
} the catch (Exception e) {
return key;

Public static String getEncString (String strMing) {
Byte [] byteMi=null;
Byte [] byteMing=null;
String strMi="";
Try {
System. The out. Println (" 1 "+ strMing. GetBytes ());
System. The out. Println (" 2 "+ getEncCode (strMing. GetBytes ()));
System. The out. Println (" 3. "+ byte2hex (getEncCode (strMing. GetBytes ())));

Return byte2hex (getEncCode (strMing getBytes ()));

//byteMing=strMing. GetBytes (" UTF8 ");
//byteMi=this. GetEncCode (byteMing);
//strMi=new String (byteMi, "UTF8");
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
Return strMi;

Public static String getDesString (String strMi) {
Byte [] byteMing=null;
Byte [] byteMi=null;
String strMing="";
Try {
Return a new String (getDesCode (hex2byte (strMi getBytes ())));

//byteMing=this. GetDesCode (byteMi);
//strMing=new String (byteMing, "UTF8");
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
Return strMing;

Private static byte [] getEncCode (byte [] byteS) {
Byte [] byteFina=null;
Cipher Cipher;
Try {
Cipher=cipher. GetInstance (" DES ");
Cipher. The init (cipher ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
ByteFina=cipher. DoFinal (byteS);
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
Return byteFina;

Private static byte [] getDesCode (byte [] byteD) {
Cipher Cipher;
Byte [] byteFina=null;
Try {
Cipher=cipher. GetInstance (" DES ");
Cipher. The init (cipher DECRYPT_MODE, key);
ByteFina=cipher. DoFinal (byteD);
} the catch (Exception e) {
} the finally {
Return byteFina;

Public static String byte2hex (byte [] b) {
String hs="";
String STMP="";
For (int n=0; N & lt; B.l ength; N++) {
STMP=(Java lang. Integer. ToHexString (b [n] & amp; 0 XFF));
If (STMP) length ()==1)
The hs=hs + "0" + STMP;
The else
The hs=hs + STMP;
Return the hs. ToUpperCase ();

Public static byte [] hex2byte (byte [] b) {
If ((b.l ength % 2)!=0)
Throw new IllegalArgumentException (" length is not an even number ");
Byte [] b2=new byte [b.l ength/2);
For (int n=0; N & lt; B.l ength; N +=2) {
String item=new String (b, n, 2);

B2=(byte) [n/2] Integer. The parseInt (item, 16);

Return b2.

Public static void main (String [] args) {

String strEnc=Arithmetic. GetEncString (" wangmn ");
System. The out. Println (strEnc);

String strDes=Arithmetic. GetDesString (strEnc);
System. The out. Println (strDes);


CodePudding user response:

Don't need to follow the code translation has a ready-made
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