I have created a function that receives a String date and returns a string that shows the time between the given date and the current DateTime in the format: x days ago, x months ago, just now, x years ago, yesterday, etc:
This is the code for that function:
String tiempoDesdeFecha(String dateString, {bool numericDates = true}) {
DateTime date = DateTime.parse(dateString);
final date2 = DateTime.now();
final difference = date2.difference(date);
if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}' "yearsago".tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 365).floor() >= 1 ) {
return (numericDates) ? '1yearago'.tr() : 'lastyear'.tr() " " (numericDates).toString();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}' "monthsago".tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1monthago'.tr() : 'lastmonth'.tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${(difference.inDays / 7).floor()}' 'weeksago'.tr();
} else if ((difference.inDays / 7).floor() >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? "1weekago".tr() : 'lastweek'.tr();
} else if (difference.inDays >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${difference.inDays}' 'daysago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inDays >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1dayago'.tr() : 'yesterday'.tr();
} else if (difference.inHours >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${difference.inHours}' 'hoursago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inHours >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1hourago'.tr() : 'anhourago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${difference.inMinutes} ' 'minutesago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inMinutes >= 1) {
return (numericDates) ? '1minuteago'.tr() : 'aminuteago'.tr();
} else if (difference.inSeconds >= 3) {
return "hace".tr() '${difference.inSeconds}' 'secondsago'.tr();
} else {
return 'justnow'.tr();
I have included the code to show the returned string in one of the four Locale I am using.
Everything is working fine, but the condition:
else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${(difference.inDays / 365).floor()}' "monthsago".tr();
which is always returning 0 months ago
I am calling the function from:
fecha_recibida = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm',"en").format(date);
fecha_recibida = tiempoDesdeFecha(fecha_recibida);
I am testing that issue with following String date: "2021-5-5 19:34"
What am I doing wrong?
CodePudding user response:
I believe the error is in the returned string,
difference.inDays / 365
must be difference.inDays / 30
So the condition should look like..
else if ((difference.inDays / 30).floor() >= 2) {
return "hace".tr() '${(difference.inDays / 30).floor()}' "monthsago".tr();
A plus, as @aman mentioned, you could use timeago package