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Placing dots in the numbers of a dataframe


I am using R and this is how my data looks like,

 a <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,2,2,3),icd9=c("0781","00840","8660","7100","25011"))

I want to place a dot after the 3rd digit in both four digits and five-digit numbers in second column. I am using gsub in R but not getting desired output. My desired data frame is:

id   icd9
1    078.1
2    008.40
2    866.0
2    710.0
3    250.11

I am trying

gsub('([0-9])', '\\1\\2\\3.\\4', a$icd9)

But I am getting

[1] ""   "" ""   ""   ""

Thanks, guys in advance :)

CodePudding user response:

a %>% 
  mutate(num = as.numeric(paste0(substr(icd9,1,3),".",substr(icd9,4,nchar(icd9)))))

  id  icd9    num
1  1  0781  78.10
2  2 00840   8.40
3  2  8660 866.00
4  2  7100 710.00
5  3 25011 250.11

CodePudding user response:

If your goal is to map ICD9 codes to phecodes, please include that info in your question. This approach may be useful to you:

#> Loading required package: parallel

a <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,2,2,3),icd9=c("0781","00840","8660","7100","25011"))

ci_str_detect <- function(x, y) {
  str_detect(y, pattern = sub('(?<=.{3})', '.', x, perl = TRUE))

fuzzyjoin::fuzzy_left_join(a, phecode_map, by = c("icd9" = "code"), match_fun = ci_str_detect)
#>   id  icd9 vocabulary_id   code phecode
#> 1  1  0781        ICD9CM  078.1     078
#> 2  1  0781        ICD9CM 078.10     078
#> 3  1  0781        ICD9CM 078.11     078
#> 4  1  0781        ICD9CM 078.12     078
#> 5  1  0781        ICD9CM 078.19     078
#> 6  2 00840          <NA>   <NA>    <NA>
#> 7  2  8660        ICD9CM E866.0     984
#> 8  2  7100        ICD9CM  710.0  695.42
#> 9  3 25011        ICD9CM 250.11  250.11

Created on 2021-09-21 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


"008.40" doesn't appear to be a valid ICD9 code. "008.41" is valid though, so if you use that instead you don't get the "NA" values in line 6.

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