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Dynamic SQL to loop through same table in multiple schemas


I'm trying to create a SQL statement which contains basic information from DBA_USERS for each schema and also select from a specific table in each schema as part of the same statement.

I have part of a statement cobbled together from other answers to similar questions on StackExchange:

  v_sql varchar2(4000);

  cursor c1 is
    select  o.owner
    ,       o.object_name
    ,       u.created
    ,       TO_CHAR(round(sum(ds.bytes)/1024/1024/1024,'0000'))||' GB'
    from    dba_users u
    ,       dba_objects o  
    ,       dba_segments ds
    WHERE   u.account_status = 'OPEN' 
        and u.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE not in ('SYSAUX','SYSTEM')
        and u.username=o.owner 
        and o.object_name='MASTER' 
        and o.object_type='TABLE'
        and ds.owner =o.owner;
    for REC in c1 loop
        v_sql := 'select VERSION from '||REC.owner||'.'||REC.object_name;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
    end loop;

This statement runs but won't show me any results as I believe it should be using a bulk collector and printing the output using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE

The output should be something like this:

SchemaA     2021-01-01  20GB    1.1
SchemaB     2021-01-02  22GB    1.2.2
SchemaC     2021-01-03  18GB    1.5.8

Firstly, how should I rewrite the statement above to output to the session, and secondly, is it possible to return the results I'm expecting?

CodePudding user response:

One option to get a result as you want would be to use pipelined functions. They deliver results in the form of a table.

By the way, your query is not completely right, as you need to join more elements. That is why is always best to use ANSI syntax. However, I would keep your syntax to make easier for you the explanation.

Let me show you an example. I don't have this field version, so I am using the counter of rows:

First we need to create the two types, one as an object and the other as table of. The first is the row, the second is the table construction.

SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE t_tf_row AS OBJECT ( username varchar2(40), created_date date, size_mb varchar2(10), counter number );

Type created.

SQL> CREATE TYPE t_tf_tab IS TABLE OF t_tf_row;

Type created.

Now, we create a pipelined function very similar to yours.

 v_sql varchar2(4000);
 v_counter pls_integer;
    for h in 
    select  o.owner
    ,       o.object_name
    ,       u.created
    ,       round(ds.bytes/1024/1024/1024) as table_size
    from    dba_users u
    ,       dba_objects o  
    ,       dba_segments ds
    WHERE   u.account_status = 'OPEN' 
        and u.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE not in ('SYSAUX','SYSTEM')
        and u.username=o.owner 
        and u.username=ds.owner 
        and o.object_name = ds.segment_name 
        and o.object_type = ds.segment_type
        and o.object_name='ODSPOSTING' 
        and o.object_type='TABLE'
        v_sql := 'select count(*) from '||h.owner||'.'||h.object_name;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql into v_counter;
        PIPE ROW(t_tf_row(h.owner,h.created,h.table_size,v_counter));   
    end loop;

Function created.

SQL> select * from table(get_schema_details());

USERNAME                                 CREATED_D SIZE_MB       COUNTER
---------------------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------
ODSVIEWS                                 24-MAR-20 14           71853408
ALFAODS                                  20-DEC-19 14           71853408

You can make the function as dynamic as you want, for example introducing input parameters instead of hardcoding the values.

CodePudding user response:

The reason you are not 'seeing' any result is that PL/SQL operates entirely within the server. It has no connection to the client, and no means of accessing the client's output display. You need to use the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE procedure (look it up in the docs). That procedure writes to a buffer that is then returned to the client when the procedure completes. It is then up to the client to deal with that buffer. If using sqlplus, you configure it to display that output by 'set serverout on' as a session setting before invoking any procedures.

Also, I'd rewrite your procedure to eliminate the explicit cursor and use a CURSOR FOR loop: (I'd also convert to user ANSI standard JOIN syntax, but I'm not going to spend time here analyzing the query to figure out exactly how to convert that_). Also, I don't see how the procedure runs at all, given that your SELECT inside the loop needs an INTO clause to have a place to put the result.

  v_sql varchar2(4000);
  v_version varchar2(80);

    for REC in (select  o.owner
                       ,TO_CHAR(round(sum(ds.bytes)/1024/1024/1024,'0000'))||' GB'
                from    dba_users u
                       ,dba_objects o  
                       ,dba_segments ds
                WHERE   u.account_status = 'OPEN' 
                  and u.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE not in ('SYSAUX','SYSTEM')
                  and u.username=o.owner 
                  and o.object_name='MASTER' 
                  and o.object_type='TABLE'
                  and ds.owner =o.owner;) 
        v_sql := 'select VERSION from '||REC.owner||'.'||REC.object_name into v_version;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
        dbms_output.put_line('Version is '||v_version);
    end loop;

CodePudding user response:

The problem is

execute immediate v_sql;

which has no output. It needs an into clause, and something to display it:

    demo_text varchar2(50);
    execute immediate 'select 2   2 as demo from dual'
    into demo_text;


By the way, I recommend deciding between end; and END; (bearing in mind this isn't COBOL).

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