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How to split the string on first vertical bar after first comma?


I have a string like:

string1: http://localapp/lkasdjasd/answers/156, Lorem ipsum dolor? is it Lorem, nah? | Here is the answer

Need to split the string on first vertical bar after first comma:

  1. key: 156
  2. string1: Lorem ipsum dolor? is it Lorem, nah?
  3. string2: Here is the answer
arr   = line.split(',')
key   = arr[0].split('/')[-1].to_i
title = arr[1]
desc  = arr[2]

So far I figured out only how to get the key

CodePudding user response:

You can use

/\A(?:[^,]*[^\d,])?(\d ),([^|]*)\|\s*(. )/

See the Rubular demo. Details:

  • \A - start of string
  • (?:[^,]*[^\d,])? - an optional sequence of zero or more non-commas and then a char other than a digit and comma
  • (\d ) - Group 1: one or more digits
  • , - a comma
  • ([^|]*) - Group 2: zero or more non-pipe chars
  • \| - a | char
  • \s* - zero or more whitespaces
  • (. ) - Group 3: one or more chars other than line break chars as many as possible.

See a Ruby demo:

s = 'http://localapp/lkasdjasd/answers/156, Lorem ipsum dolor? is it Lorem, nah? | Here is the answer'
/\A(?:[^,]*[^\d,])?(?<key>\d ),(?<title>[^|]*)\|\s*(?<desc>. )/ =~ s
puts "Key: #{key}\nTitle: #{title}\nDescription: #{desc}"


Key: 156
Title:  Lorem ipsum dolor? is it Lorem, nah? 
Description: Here is the answer

CodePudding user response:

The following answers what is asked for in the title and in the third line. That is not consistent with the desired result, however.

r = /\A([^,]*,[^|]*)\|(.*)/x
"Little Miss Muffett, sat on | a tuffet".scan(r).first
  #=> ["Little Miss Muffett, sat on ", " a tuffet"]
"Little | Miss, Muffett, sat on |, a | tuffet".scan(r).first
  #=> ["Little | Miss, Muffett, sat on ", ", a | tuffet"]

We can write the regular expression in free-spacing mode to make it self-documenting.

r = /
    \A       # match beginning of string
    (        # begin capture group 1
      [^,]*  # match 0 or more chars other than a comma
      ,      # match a comma
      [^|]*  # match 0 or more chars other than a pipe
    )        # end capture group 1
    \|       # match a pipe
    (.*)     # match 0 or more chars and save to capture group 2
    /x       # invoke free-spacing regex definition mode

See String#scan for an explanation of how the method treats regular expressions that contain capture groups.

CodePudding user response:

I vote for the answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/69299320/13841038 on which you can call .to_i and .strip while printing


If you don't prefer regex, then below snippet is a modified version of your solution

str = "http://localapp/lkasdjasd/answers/156, Lorem ipsum dolor? is it Lorem, nah? | Here is the answer"

pipe_arr   = str.split('|')
arr        = pipe_arr[0].split(',')

key        = arr[0].split('/')[-1].to_i
title      = (arr[1]   ','   arr[2]).strip
desc       = pipe_arr[1].strip
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