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Converting Spectre.Console's Introduction example to F#


I'd like to use Spectre.Console in an F# console app. I'm trying to convert the The type 'AddPackageCommand' is not compatible with the type 'ICommandLimiter'

Thank you for any and all help.

CodePudding user response:

Here's how I solved that issue:

  1. Explicitly add interface ICommandLimiter<AddSettings> to the Command subclasses that use inheritance in the settings from AddSettings.
  2. Change the AddBranch call to infer the generic argument by only annotating the IConfigurator's type: config.AddBranch("add", fun (add: IConfigurator<AddSettings>) -> ....
open System

open Spectre.Console.Cli

type AddSettings() =
    inherit CommandSettings()

    [<CommandArgument(0, "[PROJECT]")>]
    member val Project = "" with get, set

type AddPackageSettings() =
    inherit AddSettings()

    [<CommandArgument(0, "<PACKAGE_NAME>")>]
    member val PackageName = "" with get, set

    [<CommandOption("-v|--version <VERSION>")>]
    member val Version = "" with get, set

 type AddReferenceSettings() =
    inherit AddSettings()

    [<CommandArgument(0, "<PROJECT_REFERENCE>")>]
    member val ProjectReference = "" with get, set

type AddPackageCommand() =
    inherit Command<AddPackageSettings>()

    interface ICommandLimiter<AddSettings>

    override _.Execute (context,  settings) = 0

type AddReferenceCommand() =
    inherit Command<AddReferenceSettings>()

    interface ICommandLimiter<AddSettings>

    override _.Execute(context, settings) = 0

// Define a function to construct a message to print
let from whom =
    sprintf "from %s" whom

let main argv =
    let message = from "F#" // Call the function
    let app = CommandApp()

    app.Configure(fun config ->
        config.AddBranch("add", fun (add: IConfigurator<AddSettings>) ->
            add.AddCommand<AddPackageCommand>("package") |> ignore
            add.AddCommand<AddReferenceCommand>("reference") |> ignore

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